Periyava Quiz-My Mission?


Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara – All of them got it right in the last Periyava quiz. Excellent! Here is the answer anyway. Also, Sri Periyava has strongly condemned expensive marriages and wants to keep the fanfare to bare minimum. The money should instead be used for Paropagaram (social service) and helping poor people. Ram Ram

What is the Penalty that Periyava levies for people who accept or give dowry in marriages?

Ans: 3. Do not put in my name in marriage invitation that I’m blessing this marriage. Click HERE for details.

Here is the next question.


According to Sri Periyava, what is his mission?

1. Veda Rakshanam
2. Gho Matha Samrakshanam
3. Ancient Temple Renovations
4. Do Japam for Lokha Kshemam
5. Establish the principle of Adwaitha
6. Help people understand the importance of Anatha Predha Samskaram (disposal of orphan bodies)
7. Continue the lineage of Kanchi Guru Parampara
8. Perform miracles for devotees
9. Some of the above
10. All of the above

Hint – Though there may be many right answers to this question, but Sri Periyava has called out his mission statement very clearly.

Categories: Devotee Experiences


11 replies

  1. I think 7. Continue the lineage of Kanchi Guru Parampara. Because In that role 1 to 6 are automatically covered.

  2. 1. veda rakshanam (per the statement vedo dharmam Ulam)

  3. 1. veda rakshanam.

  4. all the tenitems

  5. 1. Be da rakshanam

  6. I think 1. Veda Rakshanam. For Vedas is the unifying life breath foundation of entire Santhana Dharma with all its diversities.

  7. 5. establish the principles od advaida

  8. 6. Help people understand the importance of Anatha Predha Samskaram (disposal of orphan bodies)

  9. 1. Veda Rakshanam

    ஸ்ரீ பெரியவா சரணம் Sri Periyava Saranam

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