Rishabam with fractured leg – Rescued & Recovering

பெண் பசு பால் என்ற உணவை நேராகத் தருகிறது என்றால் காளை மாடுதான் முக்யமாக உழவில் உழைத்து பயிர் பச்சை மூலம் உணவு தருகிறது. இப்படி மாட்டு ஜாதியே மநுஷ்ய ஜாதியின் வயிற்றுக்குப் போடும் பரமோபகாரத்தைப் பண்ணுவதாக இருக்கிறது. அதனிடம் நாம் அளவில்லாத நன்றியும் பக்தியும் காட்ட வேண்டும். அதற்குச் சின்ன ஹானி செய்தாலும் தெய்வாபராதமாக, தெய்வக் குற்றமாக நினைக்க வேண்டும். – ஜகத்குரு ஸ்ரீ சந்திரசேகரேந்திர சரஸ்வதி ஸ்வாமிகள்

If the female cow offers the food directly as milk, the bull slogs in the field during farming and gives food through greens and grains. Like this the entire cattle species happens to be feeding the stomach of human species. For that sake we ought to show immense gratitude and Bhakthi towards them. The act of meting out even a small suffering to it should be considered as a great sin, a great crime done towards God. – Jagadguru Chandrasekharendra Saraswathy Swamigal

On March 21, 2021 we encountered yet another example of the sheer ingratitude and selfishness some people are capable of, towards their cows.

We got a call from a veterinarian, our friend, in a village near Thanjavur about a rishabam that was going to be sold for slaughter. This is the same village where we rescued the rishabam that was hacked in its leg and that we fought very hard to save around Pongal, earlier this year.

This gentle, majestic white rishabam has been doing his master’s bidding and toiling hard for the last 6 months. See pictures of how beautiful he looks.

As you may all be aware, plundering river sand (மணல் திருட்டு) and illegally selling it for profit, is rampant in Tamilnadu. Many people that own rishabams and live in rural areas, indulge in this illegal act. They take their bullock carts to river banks nearby and load it up with river sand, all the while watching for police patrolling the area. If police are in the vicinity, they whip and rush their bulls and quickly leave. Later, they sell the sand for exorbitant prices making huge profits.

Our farmer followed this same act with our rishabam and was loading up sand into his cart. Police were patrolling in the vicinity, so he rushed our rishabam to move quickly and urged it away from the river bed. Our rishabam’s feet had sunk into the loose sand and as it tried to moved away quickly, pulling the burden of the fully-loaded cart, it severely injured one of its legs.

The farmer consulted a veterinary doctor nearby, who diagnosed it as fracture and told him recovery would take time. At this point, the farmer responded that he would sell the rishabam for slaughter.

It is periyavA’s blessings that this veterinarian happened to be the same one that treated the previous rishabam that we tried so hard to save. As soon as the farmer left, he called us, told us what had happened, and gave us the farmer’s contact info, to reach out and save the rishabam.

We called him and discussed back and forth throughout the day. We negotiated down the exorbitant price he demanded and finally rescued the poor rishabam. We transported the rishabam to the nearby Orathanadu Medical College Hospital for examination. The doctor prescribed injections and medicines and told us there was no need for surgery; just a couple of months of rest and food is all that is needed to help the fracture heal on its own.

By periyavA’s krupa, the rishabam is now in Jayam goshAlA, in a safe, peaceful environment, under the care of a veterinarian, and and is already on the mend. See pictures below👇.

Every incident we encounter like this keeps echoing the same cruel reality to us – No matter how much a Gho matha or Rishabam have given us, the minute they can no longer give, they are deemed useless and sold for slaughter. This is like a curse on these gentle and noble creatures. By periyavA anugraham, awareness about this should spread far and wide and cow owners should become more compassionate. Few pics and video clips below. It is very painful to see the rishabam unable to even take a step after fracture. By Periyava’s grace he is now recovering in Jeyam Gosala as seen in the last picture below.

Hara Hara Shankara Jaya Jaya Shankara

Categories: Samrakshanam

5 replies

  1. May God bless those taking care of such animals

  2. https://www.fueladream.com/home/campaign/535. could some body contact Dr.Mthur who is doing prosthetic limbs called krishna limb at the minimal cost for animals especially for cattle. i had suggested this for the rishabam who’s leg was cut by a neighbor and was rescued. think no one went through that. can ask Dr.Ganesh(bagavathar) for more information.

    • Namaskaram Sir,

      I did review your response but please understand we are consulting a bunch of expert doctors and not taking any decision on our own. This rishabam does not need any prosthetic limb and as mentioned in the post had been taken to Orathanadu, a famous place for treating injured cows with many specialist veternery drs. They advised that in the next couple of months the rishabam will recover and have prescribed some medicines and injections which we have been given to the cow. Also, I know Dr. Ganesh pretty well and he is not practicing anymore. These kind of injured cows need some specialized equipment, diagnosis and treatment which we are doing. Hope this helps. Thanks. Rama Rama

      • sorry sir you got me wrong. i am not giving any ideas for treatment as you are the one in the situation. what i am trying to say is that Dr Mathur is also sharing the prosthetic limb making..some of our team can gain knowledge by attending his shibir.. and for that only i just talked to Dr Ganesh. i too know that he is not practicing. i am not underestimating our drs and will never do so.having that knowledge may be useful in the future if we could train our locals and save more injured cattle.i think i am clear now.

  3. 🙏🙏

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