Amazing incident about a blessing for a child

Thanks to Shri Varagooran mama for this wonderful post in FB…The beauty of the incident that even at the end Periyava did not give the coin before proper completion – that is Periyava!!! English translation is also updated here…


“தருமிக்கு பொற்கிழி தர்றதுக்காக திருவிளையாடல் பண்ணின அந்த சங்கரர் மாதிரியே குட்டிப் பொண்ணுக்கு தங்கக்காசு குடுக்க இந்த சங்கரர் செஞ்ச லீலைன்னுதான் சொல்லணும்!”

கட்டுரை-பி. ராமகிருஷ்ணன் (பகுதி)

நன்றி-இந்த மாத குமுதம் பக்தி.

பரம பவித்ரமான ராமநாமத்தை எழுதறதும் சொல்றதும் எல்லா இடத்துலயும் எல்லார்கிட்டேயும் பரவணும்கறதுக்காக, அந்த காலத்துல ஒரு ஏற்பாடு செஞ்சிருந்தார் பரமாச்சார்யா. அது என்னனா, ஒரு லட்சம் தரம் ராமஜெயம் எழுதிக் கொண்டு வந்து அவர்கிட்டே சமர்ப்பிச்சா, தங்கக்காசு ஒண்ணை குங்குமப் பிரசாதத்தோட சேர்த்து அவாளுக்கு தருவார் ஆசார்யா. பரமாசார்யா கையால பவுன் வாங்கணும்கறதுக்காகவே ராமஜெயம் எழுத ஆரம்பிச்சாங்க பலர். மடத்துலஆசார்யா இருக்கற சமயத்துல அவரை தரிசிக்க வரும்போது கூடவே ராமஜெயம் எழுதி நோட்டுக்களைக் கொண்டு வந்து கொடுத்து ஆசார்யாகிட்டே ஆசிர்வாதமும் தங்ககாசும் வாங்கிண்டு போறது பக்தர்கள் பலருக்கும் வழக்கமா இருந்தது.

இந்த நல்ல பழக்கம் மேலும் மேலும் வளரணும்கறதுக்காக பரமாச்சார்யா ஒரு யோசனை சொன்னார். ஒருலட்சம் முடியலைன்னாலும் அதுல எட்டுல ஒரு பங்கு அதாவது பன்னிரண்டாயிரத்து ஐந்நூறு தரம் எழுதினாலும் போதும், அதுக்குப் பரிசா வெள்ளிக்காசு வாங்கிக்கலாம்னும் அறிவிக்கச் சொன்னன்ர. பெரியவா நினைச்ச மாதிரி ராமஜெயம் எழுதறவா எண்ணிக்கை ரொம்பவே அதிகரிச்சது.

ஆசார்யா தேகசஞ்சாரம் செய்யற சமயத்துலயும் கொஞ்சம் தங்கம், வெள்ளிக்காசுகளை மடத்துல இருந்து எடுத்துண்டு போவாங்க. அவரோட சீடர்கள். அவரை தரிசனம் பண்ண வர்றவங்க யாராவது ராமஜெயம் நோட்டை தந்தா, தர்றதுக்கு வசதியா இந்த ஏற்பாடு செஞ்சிருந்தாங்க.

அப்படி ஒரு சமயம் ஆசார்யா, சென்னைக்கு வந்தப்போ, சமஸ்கிருதக் கல்லூரியில தங்கி தரிசனம் குடுத்துண்டு இருந்தார். ஏராளமானவங்க பெரியவாளை தரிசனம் பண்ணிண்டு இருந்தாங்க. அந்த சமயத்துல

சின்னப்பொண்ணு ஒருத்தி, மகாபெரியவளை நமஸ்காரம் பண்ணிட்டு தன் கையில இந்த ராமஜெயம் நோட்டை அவர் முன்னால வைச்சு, “வெள்ளிக்காசு குடுங்கோ!’ன்னு கேட்டா.

“ராமநாமமெல்லாம் சரியா எழுதி இருக்கியா?’ன்னு கேட்டு சிரிச்சுண்டே வெள்ளிக்காசை அந்தக் குழந்தை கிட்டே குடுத்தார் பெரியவா.

“ம்’னு சொல்லித் தலையாட்டிட்டு அவசர அவசரமா வெள்ளிக்காசை வாங்கிட்டு ஓடிப்போனா அந்தச் சின்னப் பொண்ணு.

இது நடந்தது காலம்பற, மத்தியான நேரம் இருக்கும். அந்தப் சின்னப் பொண்ணு, ஆசார்யா இருந்த பக்கமா அங்கேயும் இங்கேயுமா அலைஞ்சு எதையோ தேடிண்டு இருந்தா. நேரம் ஆக ஆக அவளுக்கு கண்ணெல்லாம் கலங்கி, கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமா அழ ஆரம்பிச்சுட்டா.

எல்லாத்தையும் பார்த்துண்டு இருந்த பரமாச்சார்யா, அந்தக் குழந்தையைக் கூப்பிடச் சொன்னார். கண்ணைக் கசக்கிண்டே ஆசார்யாகிட்டே வந்து நின்னா அந்தச் சிறுமி.

“குழந்தே ஏன் அழுதுண்டு இருக்கே? எதையாவது தொலைச்சுட்டியா?’ அன்பொழுக கேட்டார்.

“ஆமா… நீங்க பிரசாதமா குடுத்த வெள்ளிக் காசை தவறவிட்டுட்டேன்?’
“உன்கிட்டே ஒண்ணு கேட்பேன். ஒளிக்காம சொல்லணும். நீ கொண்ட வந்து தந்தியே நோட்டு அதுல எத்தனைதரம் ராமநாமத்தை எழுதியிருந்தே?’

“எட்டாயிரத்து ஐந்நூறு தரம் எழுதியிருந்தேன்?’

“அப்படியா… பன்னிரண்டாயிரத்து ஐந்நூறு தரம் எழுதினாத்தான் வெள்ளிக்காசு தருவேன்கறது உனக்கு தெரியுமா? தெரியாதா?’

ஆசார்யா கேட்டதுதான் தாமதம்…

கண்ணீர் பொங்கிநனைக்க, ஓன்னு அழுதுண்டே “தெரியும் பெரியவா… உங்க கையால காசு வாங்கிக்கணும்கற ஆசையில பொய் சொல்லிட்டேன். தப்புதான் என்னை மன்னிச்சுடுங்கோ!’ தழுதழுத்தா அந்தக் குட்டிப் பொண்ணு.

பெரியவா நன்னா திட்டப்போறார். அவளோட அம்மா, அப்பாவைக் கூப்பிட்டு கண்டிச்சுக் குட்டப்போறார். இப்படியெல்லாம் எதிர்பார்த்தாங்க, சுத்தியிருந்தவங்க. ஆனா, அந்த மகானுபாவர் என்ன பண்ணினார் தெரியுமா? ”

இந்தக் குழந்தை அறியாத்தனமா ஒரு சின்னத் தப்பு பண்ணிட்டா. அதைப் பெரிசுபடுத்த வேண்டாம். அதோட, இவ முழுசா எழுதாமவிட்ட மிச்சமிருக்கிற நாலாயிரம் ராமநாமத்தையுமு” எல்லாருமா சேர்ந்து இப்பவே எழுதுங்கோ. இந்தக் குழந்தையும் உட்கார்ந்து எழுதட்டும்’னு அவர் சொன்னதும் எல்லாரும் புல்லரிச்சுப் போனாங்க. அதுக்கு ரெண்டு காரணம்.

ஒண்ணு, பெரியவாளோட மன்னிக்கிற சுபாவத்தும், குழந்தைகள்மேல் அவர் வெச்சிருந்த பரிவுக்கும் அடையாளமான ஒரு நிகழ்ச்சியை நேரடியா பார்த்தது; இன்னொண்ணு, அவர் முன்னாலயே உட்கார்ந்து ராமஜெயம் எழுதற பாக்யம் கிடைச்சது. மளமளன்னு எல்லாரும் ராமஜெயம் எழுத ஆரம்பிச்சாங்க. சீக்கிரமே நாலாயிரம் தரம் எழுதியும் முடிச்சாங்க. எல்லாரும் மகா பெரியவாகிட்டே சமர்ப்பிக்கப்பட்டுது.

அந்தக் குழந்தையைக் கூப்பிட்டார் பெரியவா, “குழந்தே! உனக்கு நான் தந்த வெளிளக்காசுதானே தவறிடுத்துன்னு வருத்தப்பட்டே… இதோ உனக்க தங்ககாசே தரேன் பத்திமா வைச்சுக்கோ’ன்னு சொல்லி, தங்கக்காசு ஒண்ணை ஆசிர்வதிச்சு அந்தக் குழந்தைகிட்டே தந்தார். பரமாசார்யா தந்த தங்ககாசை பரம சந்தோஷமா வாங்கிண்டுபோனா அந்தக் குட்டிப் பொண்ணு!

மகாபெரியவா அந்தப் பொண்ணுக்கு வெள்ளிக்காசை முதல்ல தந்ததும் நிஜம். அது கானாம போனதும் உண்மை. ஆனா, அதைத் தொலைச்சுட்டு தேடின அந்தப் பொண்ணுக்கோ, வேற யாருக்குமோ அது கிடைக்கவே இல்லை. அந்தப் பொண்ணு எழுதிக் கொடுத்த ராமநாம நோட்டுல கொஞ்சம் குறையறதுங்கறதை எப்படி அவர் கண்டுபிடிச்சு இப்படி ஒரு நாடகத்தை ஆடினார்?

தொலைஞ்ச காசு எங்கே போச்சுங்கறது மகாபெரியவாளுக்கு மட்டுமே தெரிஞ்ச சத்தியம்!

தருமிக்கு பொற்கிழி தர்றதுக்காக திருவிளையாடல் பண்ணின அந்த சங்கரர் மாதிரியே குட்டிப் பொண்ணுக்கு தங்கக்காசு குடுக்க இந்த சங்கரர் செஞ்ச லீலைன்னுதான் சொல்லணும்!

Paramacharya had announced a plan, for the purpose of spreading the divine karma of writing and chanting the holy Rama Nama, among all the people far and wide. According to the plan, He would give a gold coin along with Kumkum, to everyone who wrote ONE LAKH numbers of ‘Ram Jeyam’ and submit to Him. Many people started writing Rama Nama, for the sole purpose of receiving a gold coin from Paramacharya. Many devotees, when they came for Dharsan used to bring the note books containing ‘Rama Jeyam’, submit to Paramacharya and receive the gold coin from Him.

In order that this good habit should grow among people more and more, He made another plan, according to which, those who were unable to write one lakh Namas, could write at least one eighth of that number (12,500) and receive a silver coin from Him. As He expected, the number of people writing the Nama, grew day by day.

Even during Acharya’s yatra time, the attendants used to take with them a few gold and silver coins, so that, those who would come for dharsan along with note books with Nama written there, could be given the gold or silver coin.

Once during His visit to Chennai, He was camping in the Sanskrit college and giving Dharsan.

A little girl, came to Him one day, prostrated and placed a notebook in front of Him and said, “please give me a silver coin”

Periava, gave her a silver coin, asking her “Have you written Rama Nama correctly?” with a laugh.

“Yes” she said, took the silver coin and hurriedly left the place.

This happened in the morning.

In the afternoon, the same little girl was walking here and there in front of Acharyar and was searching for something. As the time passed, her eyes started swelling with tears, and she started crying slowly.

Observing all this, Acharya asked His attendant to call her. She came and stood in front of Him wiping the tears from her eyes.

“My dear child, why are you crying? Have you lost anything?”—asked Acharya His voice full of Love.

“Yes, I lost the silver coin which you gave me as Prasadham”—-replied the girl.

“I will ask you something, you have to tell me the truth without hiding anything; How many times you had written ‘Rama Jeyam’ in the note book, which you brought to me.?”—-Acharyar.

“I had written eight thousand and five hundred times.”—–replied the little one.

“Oh, I see! Don’t you know that I give silver coin only to those who write 12,500 times ?”

That very moment, she started bursting out and started crying aloud, and said amidst cries, “I know Periava! I lied to you, only to get the silver coin from you; What I did is wrong. Please forgive me!”

Those around them, watching this incident, expected Periava to call her parents, and ask them to admonish and punish her. But that great Soul! You know what He did?

“This innocent girl has done a small mistake; do not magnify this. Now all of you, including this girl, sit down here and write the remaining 4000, Namas”—–All were thrilled at hearing Him say this!
Why were they thrilled ? there are two reasons; one they could witness an incident which showed Periava’s abundant love towards children and His noble attitude of pardoning. Secondly, they all got the opportunity of writing Nama in front of Him. Everybody sat down and started writing; soon the four thousands were completed, and submitted to Periava.

He called the girl and told her, “ My dear child, you were upset that you lost the silver coin which I gave you. Now I will give you a GOLD coin; keep it carefully.” And gave her the gold coin with His Asheervadham. The girl took it gleefully.

MahaPeriava gave her a silver coin in the morning—this is true; it was lost by the girl—that is also true. But neither the girl who lost it nor anybody else could get that silver coin ! How did HE know that the actual count in the note book was less than 12,500 and enact this little drama ?

Where did the lost coin go ? That would remain a secret which Periava only knew !

It seems as though Periava enacted this drama to give a gold coin to this girl, the same way, ‘Sankarar’ enacted a drama in Madurai, in order to give a bag of gold coins to the poet Dharumi!

Categories: Devotee Experiences


14 replies

  1. thanks to mr Narayanan and mr balaji for the translation

  2. “As Lord Shankara played for giving Golden bag to Dharmi, even this Shankara wanted to play with this small girl for giving a Gold coin!”
    Article – Sri.P.Ramakrishnan (Part)
    Thanks – Kumudam (This week’s edition)
    For spreading the ever auspicious “Rama Nama”, throughout all places, those days Paramacharya had made an arrangement. That arrangement was, whoever comes to Him, with “Ramajayam” written a Lakh times, was given a Gold coin along with Kumguma Prasadam. Many started writing “Ramajayam” exclusively for getting Gold coin from Paramacharya. While Paramacharya was in the Ashram, people who came to have His Darshan, brought their “Ramajayam” note also with them, gave it to Him, got His blessings along with the Gold coin. This became a regular feature in the ashram.
    For this good habit to grow more and more, Paramacharya gave one more idea. If you are not able to write “Ramajayam” one lakh times, it is ok, at least write 1/8th of that i.e. 12,500 times and you can get “Silver Coin” as gift. This was announced and as Paramacharya expected, devotees who wrote “Ramajayam” increased manifold.

    His disciples used to carry some gold and silver coins along with them, when Paramacharya goes to other places.
    Once, when Paramacharya came to Chennai and stayed in Sanskrit College and was giving Darshan. Many came to have His Darshan. One small girl came to Paramacharya, prostrated before Him and gave the “Ramajayam” note that she wrote and asked for “Give me silver coin”. From Paramacharya.

    Paramacharya asked “Have you written “Rama” nama properly and smilingly gave the Silver coin to this small girl.
    “Hmm” was the reply from the little girl and she ran away with the silver coin.
    This happened in the morning and during afternoon, that little girl who got the Silver coin from Paramacharya, was searching for something in front of Him. As time went, this little girl started crying in front of Him.
    Seeing all this, Paramacharya called that girl. She came in front of Him, rubbing her eyes.
    Lovingly He asked “Why are you crying? What are you searching for? Did you lose something?”
    “Yes” she said, “I have misplaced the Silver coin that you gave me”. Paramacharya asked this little girl “Tell me one thing without hiding, how many times did you write Rama nama in the note that you gave this morning”
    The reply from the girl was “8,500 times”

    “Is it so? Did you not know that I will give Silver coin only when Rama nama is written 12,500 times” Paramacharya asked this girl.
    Hearing this, this little girl started crying and told “Yes, I know Periyava, I told a lie in the desire for getting a Silver coin from you. I know it is wrong, please forgive me!”
    People around, thought Periyava would scold this girl and will ask to bring her parents. But do you know what this Mahanubhavar did?
    Periyava told “This girl, without her knowledge has done a small mistake. Let us not make it big. Moreover, all of you here write the balance 4,500 Rama nama, that she left out. This girl will also write along with you people” As soon as this was told, everybody was thrilled. Their thrill had two reasons.
    First they have seen Periyava’s forgiving heart and extreme love towards children and the second reason they got an opportunity to write the name of Rama in front of Periyava. They quickly started writing “Ramajayam” and it got over very sooner and it was submitted to Mahaperiyava.
    Periyava called that little girl “Baby! You worried that you lost the silver coin given by me, is it not? Now I will give you Gold coin, keep it safe” telling this He gave a gold coin by blessing it. That girl happily went back with the coin given by Paramacharya.
    The fact that Mahaperiyava gave that silver coin to that girl is true, that same coin got lost is also true. But nobody was able to find out the lost coin, including the little girl. How did He find out that the note contained less number of Rama nama and played this Drama?
    The fate of lost coin is known only to Mahaperiyava.
    As Lord Shankara played for giving Golden bag to Dharmi, even this Shankara wanted to play with this small girl for giving a Gold coin! This has to be this Shankara’s miracle.

  3. periava is periava. ennai eppothum kaappatharava ennaivittu pogathava. niraya vellikasu irunthathu. engappa sathabishekathumpothu athai pottu abishekam mudinchathum ange iruntava ellarukkum koduthen. so that periava reaches everyone.

  4. Certainly ! Pl. let me know specific articles, which you want.

    • Mr. Narayanan, thank you.
      There are a number of articles in the devotees experiences section which are in tamil.
      as there I am sure in many other sections as well. You could start with the article that reads Azhukkuswamy. You will help a lot of us for sure.
      Kind regards


      • Mr.Jayaram,

        I have posted the English translation in the original post itself. You can go there and read it.

  5. Thank you for the translation, Mr. Narayanan! Much obliged!

    There are may wonderful articles on Mahaperiyavaa in Mahesh’s blog that I struggle
    to read and wonder if there are people like you who can spare the time to translate
    them for the befit of thousands of devotees who cannot read Tamil.


  6. Here is the English translation of the incident.


    Paramacharya had announced a plan, for the purpose of spreading the divine karma of writing and chanting the holy Rama Nama, among all the people far and wide. According to the plan, He would give a gold coin along with Kumkum, to everyone who wrote ONE LAKH numbers of ‘Ram Jeyam’ and submit to Him. Many people started writing Rama Nama, for the sole purpose of receiving a gold coin from Paramacharya. Many devotees, when they came for Dharsan used to bring the note books containing ‘Rama Jeyam’, submit to Paramacharya and receive the gold coin from Him.

    In order that this good habit should grow among people more and more, He made another plan, according to which, those who were unable to write one lakh Namas, could write at least one eighth of that number (12,500) and receive a silver coin from Him. As He expected, the number of people writing the Nama, grew day by day.

    Even during Acharya’s yatra time, the attendants used to take with them a few gold and silver coins, so that, those who would come for dharsan along with note books with Nama written there, could be given the gold or silver coin.

    Once during His visit to Chennai, He was camping in the Sanskrit college and giving Dharsan.

    A little girl, came to Him one day, prostrated and placed a notebook in front of Him and said, “please give me a silver coin”

    Periava, gave her a silver coin, asking her “Have you written Rama Nama correctly?” with a laugh.

    “Yes” she said, took the silver coin and hurriedly left the place.

    This happened in the morning.

    In the afternoon, the same little girl was walking here and there in front of Acharyar and was searching for something. As the time passed, her eyes started swelling with tears, and she started crying slowly.

    Observing all this, Acharya asked His attendant to call her. She came and stood in front of Him wiping the tears from her eyes.

    “My dear child, why are you crying? Have you lost anything?”—asked Acharya His voice full of Love.

    “Yes, I lost the silver coin which you gave me as Prasadham”—-replied the girl.

    “I will ask you something, you have to tell me the truth without hiding anything; How many times you had written ‘Rama Jeyam’ in the note book, which you brought to me.?”—-Acharyar.

    “I had written eight thousand and five hundred times.”—–replied the little one.

    “Oh, I see! Don’t you know that I give silver coin only to those who write 12,500 times ?”

    That very moment, she started bursting out and started crying aloud, and said amidst cries, “I know Periava! I lied to you, only to get the silver coin from you; What I did is wrong. Please forgive me!”

    Those around them, watching this incident, expected Periava to call her parents, and ask them to admonish and punish her. But that great Soul! You know what He did?

    “This innocent girl has done a small mistake; do not magnify this. Now all of you, including this girl, sit down here and write the remaining 4000, Namas”—–All were thrilled at hearing Him say this!
    Why were they thrilled ? there are two reasons; one they could witness an incident which showed Periava’s abundant love towards children and His noble attitude of pardoning. Secondly, they all got the opportunity of writing Nama in front of Him. Everybody sat down and started writing; soon the four thousands were completed, and submitted to Periava.

    He called the girl and told her, “ My dear child, you were upset that you lost the silver coin which I gave you. Now I will give you a GOLD coin; keep it carefully.” And gave her the gold coin with His Asheervadham. The girl took it gleefully.

    MahaPeriava gave her a silver coin in the morning—this is true; it was lost by the girl—that is also true. But neither the girl who lost it nor anybody else could get that silver coin ! How did HE know that the actual count in the note book was less than 12,500 and enact this little drama ?

    Where did the lost coin go ? That would remain a secret which Periava only knew !

    It seems as though Periava enacted this drama to give a gold coin to this girl, the same way, ‘Sankarar’ enacted a drama in Madurai, in order to give a bag of gold coins to the poet Dharumi!

  7. Everybody has to write Rama Nammam daily. My grandmother had written lakhs and lakhs of Rama Naama and got silver and gold coins from Kanchi Periyava Mutt. Its really powerful thing.

  8. Please translate this into English.

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