16 replies

  1. wow…I have a doubt….which is the first house? Looks different>


  3. Wat patham

  4. AT FIRST SIGHT SUN ASCDT LORD IN 10 with digbala SHOWS he shined as a sage of sages beyond comprehension.HIS MARS IN 6 from ASCDT &3rd from moon subdued even the nasthikas as he had explensary courage as lord Parameshwara himself and was the best teacher for all in the world as Jupiter Con joins sun mercury in 10th a nipuna yoga par excellence.As Venus Con joins RAHU aspected by Saturn he was a BRAHMA CHARI ALL THROUGH LIFE AND AS KETU ALSO ASPECTING ASPECTED BY JUPITER IN TURN HE SHINED AS PARA BRAHMAN HIMSELF. All people who had the DARSHAN of him have been immensely benefitted BEYOND COMPREHENSION as I am.SIMLY SEE HIS PHOTO YOU CAN HAVE BENEFIT OF DARSHAN OF HINDU TRINITY. We should be glad we r contemporaries and lucky enough to born at his time when he ruled the earth for a century from 1894to1994. After his MAHA siddhi still thousands r being blessed by a visit to his brindavan ok KANCHEEPURAM or a mere look at his photo by devotion.
    S Mohankrishna 12/04/1948 07:20am palghat
    mkrishna_s2005@yahoo.com (TODAY THURSDAY 12/07/201809/57AM)

  5. Eswara Amsam . If i think Maha Periyava is Sri Kamakshi, He will resemble Sri Kamakshi. Every Day, we should see this Horoscope before we start our routine work. Everything will be smooth throughout the day!!

  6. Great Treasure.

  7. Thanks. To be kept in ones poja room and worship daily.

    adi balu

  8. Great gift .

  9. Pokisham.

  10. Thanks,no words to express,i’m very fortunate enough to follow this site.(i’m Mrs.Arulalingam)

  11. Could someone kindly provide me the horoscope of Mahaperiyava in English or Kannada? I’m a devotee of Paramacharya but I cannot read this language being a resident of Karnataka. Atleast provide me the date of birth and time if not the horoscope. My thanks to you in advance……

  12. கிடைத்தற்கரிய பொக்கிஷம். இதை வெளியிட்ட அன்பருக்கு
    மிக்க நன்றி. வாழ்க வளமுடன்.

  13. Dear Priya,

    The jadhagam is right on this page – not sure what you mean by “I didn’t get it”. Are you not able to see the image?? if so, let me know i can help you….

  14. Dear Mr.Mahesh,

    I sincerely appreciate you for managing and maintaining this site especially for our Maha Periava. The sacred horoscope of Maha Periava was distributed in a marriage i attended in Salem, couple of months back. I scanned this treasure and wanted to share with my like minded contacts. One of the person has sent it across to you. I am really happy to see this and iam really fortunate that iam also a small tool to bring this for other ardent devotees of Maha Periava. I wish you all the best, keep up your good work.Regards, Madhu, Dubai

  15. Dear Mahesh….No Words Amazing….Pokisham….a treat for Mahaperivaa followers …Thankyou so much……

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