Another Rescue – Three more lives Saved……

ஸகல மக்களும் ஒன்றுகூடி நடத்த வேண்டிய பணி என்னவென்றால் ஒரு பசு கூட வதைக்குப் போகாமல் வயிறு ரொம்பத் தீனி பெறவும், ஸுகாதாரமான கொட்டில்களில் வாஸம் பெறவும் செய்வதுதான். இதற்காகக் கறவை நின்றுபோன பசுக்களுக்கென்றே ஆங்காங்கு காப்பு விடுதிகளை மக்கள் அமைத்துச் செவ்வனே பரிபாலிக்க வேண்டும். கறவை நின்ற பசுக்களை வைத்துக் காப்பாற்ற ப்ரியப்படாமல் இறைச்சிக் கூடத்துக்கு விற்கவிருக்கும் எல்லா சொந்தக்காரர்களிடமிருந்தும் அவற்றை வாங்கி இந்த விடுதிகளில் வைத்துக் காப்பாற்ற வேண்டும். போதிய பண்பாடில்லாத சொந்தக்காரர்களாயிருந்தால் அவர்கள் மாம்ஸ விலையையும் தோல் விலையையும் நினைத்து பேரம் பண்ணக்கூடும். அவர்களுக்குப் பொறுமையாகவும் சாந்தமாகவும் இப்பணியிலுள்ள புண்யம், ஜீவகாருண்யம் இரண்டையும் எடுத்துச் சொல்லி நியாய விலைக்கோ, இலவசமாகவோ விற்கச் செய்ய வேண்டும். பல மாட்டுக்காரர்கள் நிஜமாகவே ஏழைகளாகக் கஷ்டப்பட்டுக் கொண்டிருப்பார்கள். அவர்களிடமிருந்து இலவசமாக எதிர் பார்ப்பதற்கில்லைதான். எப்படியானாலும் அதிக விலை கொடுக்க வேண்டியிருக்கிறது என்ற காரணத்துக்காக ஒரு பசுவைக்கூடக் கொலைக் கூடத்துக்குப் போகும்படிப் பண்ணிவிடக்கூடாது. ‘விலைக்கு மாடு வாங்குவது, விடுதி அமைப்பது, தீனி போடுவது என்றால் நிரம்பப் பணம் பிடிக்குமே! அதோடு, ‘மாடோ பாடோ’ என்று கிழமாடுகளைப் பராமரிப்பதென்றால் சரீர உழைப்பும் நிரம்பத் தேவைப்படுமே!’ என்றால், இந்தப் பணியின் முக்யத்வத்தைப் பார்க்கிறபோது பணமும் உழைப்பும் ஒரு பெரிசில்லை. – பூஜ்ய ஸ்ரீ காஞ்சி மஹா பெரியவா

What needs to be done by all people coming together us to ensure that not a single cow goes to the slaughter house and till their natural death they are given food and are sheltered in hygienic sheds. For this purpose, shelters should be specially arranged for the cows which have stopped yielding milk. If individuals are not willing to keep them anymore and want to sell them to slaughter houses, they should be purchased from them and kept in such shelters. Immature cow owners will bargain thinking about the meat and skin cost of the cow. We should explain them patiently and kindly about the importance and meritorious (Punniya) of this service as well as Jeeva Karunyam. We should request them to sell at a nominal price or for free. Several owners of cows may be really poor and will be living a hard life. They cannot be expected to give them away free. But just because more money has to be paid for such cows, not a single cow should be allowed to go to the slaughter house. It may be thought; “To purchase such cows from the owners will mean a lot of money. Apart from that it will be a demanding task to take care of the old cows’. But when we see the importance of this service, money and labour do not count for much at all. –  Pujyasri Kanchi Maha Periyava


Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara – By Sri Periyava Anugraham saved two cows and one good native breed bull from going for slaughter last Saturday. The skinny cow and rishabam were ear marked by the slaughter house people and they were about to close the deal with the owner when one of my contacts tipped me about the sale. Acted quickly, offered to pay a little more than the butchers ask, bought them and transported them safely to Dr. Sadhana Rao Gosala in Venkatapuram in the outskirts of Chennai.

A word about the skinny cow and bull. This cow was purchased from Vellore Sandhai 3 months back with the hope that it will milk 5 litres a day. When it milked only around 2 litres a day the owner got frustrated and stopped feeding her. The cow was left to fend for herself in the streets for food and water. The cow also had a lot of Unni (lice) all over her which was sucking a lot of blood out of her and made her even more skinnier.

I was observing this cow closely for the past few weeks, as based on my experience I know for sure she will end up in an abbatoir very soon just because of the condition she was in. However, I could not trace the owner since cows tend to roam around 2 kms radius from their homes. Anyway it was Sri Periyava’s immense grace that one of my cow contacts tipped me about the owner. Regarding the native breed bull, he is around 2 years old put on the right weight the owner and slaughter people were looking for. According to the locals, native breed bull meat taste much better than other breeds so there is always a demand for them to grow and sell them off for killing very cruelly. The other cow was purchased from another owner who was in need of cash and was looking to sell with another set of brokers/butchers vying for it.

After the cows reached Dr. Sadhana Rao’s Ghosala, Amma pleasantly welcomed them and gave them a much needed shower. Remember, in this scorching summer they had not taken bath for many weeks/months. After shower they were given green grass, Thavidu mixed with water which they gleefully had as its been ages since they had this kind of proper food. Amma also started treating the skinny cow for lices by applying neem oil/herbs and told me today she is doing much better.

All happened completely due to HIS anugraham. Sri Periyava Thiruvadi Sharanam. Rama Rama

1. Skinny Cow below with the owner trying to remove the rope tied around her neck. Typically, as a sentiment, Cow owners don’t part with their rope thinking that Lakshmi Devi will go away from their home. I told them you guys are selling Mother Lakshmi herself for slaughter but hanging onto a two feet rope and what sense does it make. All you get is a sheepish stare back at you :-). So we buy our own ropes before every rescue.

2. Sideview of the Skinny Cow

3. Native Breed Bull waiting to be transported.

4. The third cow bought from another owner

5. Cows on-boarded in the truck

6. Cows Safely in Dr. Amma’s Gosala @ Venkatapuram having a small meal

Please see the bottom of this post HERE for contributing to our Cow Rescue efforts. Going forward I will start letting the contributors know by e-mail which of their contributions went to which cow rescue efforts so they have better visibility on which rescue their contributions went into. (Please send an e-mail to Rama Rama

Categories: Announcements, Samrakshanam


4 replies

  1. Sir. Thank you for your efforts.

    I posted this about the ghoshala

    According to this article the ghoshala is already short of funds and in need of help.


  2. Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara. Pahi Pahi. janakiraman. nagapattinamv

  3. I am so happy about this happy ending for these three bovine cosouls.
    Economic considerations and commercial calculations pervade every aspect of all of or lives. It is not different for the owners of these poor animals.
    The native cow does not yield much milk compared to the foreign breeds. But what people forget is that the native cows consume much less food than the foreign breeds. So, if you calculate the through put, the native breeds are in fact more economical than the foreign breeds.
    Thirty years ago I visited the Bharatiya Agro Industires Foundation in Pune. They had displayed big photos of cows of some foreign breeds , with the high yields of milk that they gave. I asked them how much feed they consumed per day. They were reluctant to give the figures. Then I asked them how the cows died. They said they had died of lung disease (TB). Indian climate does not suit these foreign breeds and they become sick with lung problems.
    Another distressing feature is that the male calves of foreign breeds are not fit for any work. Have you ever seen a foreign breed bull pulling a cart, ploughing a field or doing any other work? No, they cannot do any of these things. So, the breeders of foreign cows do not want to feed the male calves in vain. So, they kill off all the male calves.
    The milk of the foreign cows (their fat content) does not suit our constitution- our DNA. When I raised such issues, the Foundation people requested me not to publicize these issues, as the immediate problem was to increase the overall milk yield.
    In India we still lack a forum to share such information as the media or newspapers are run by vested interests.

    There is in fact a controversy whether the foreign breeds are “real cows” or cross breeds of some other animals. Anyway our priority is rescuing native breeds.

    Those in the field are doing excellent work. Yet,we need to strengthen our organisational reach and effectiveness.. We ,must have an organization just to buy the cows/bulls which are earmarked for slaughter, if necessary by offering a better price. We must publicize the fact that we buy the cows. Once rescued, the cows/bulls may be given to Go shalas. We may also invite volunteers who may maintain one or two individual animals, while goshalas may concentrate on old cows.
    We cannot rely on any Indian government, or any party running the government. We must find means of funding the activity and making it self-sustaining. If every family makes a donation of Rs.10,000 on the occasion of marriage, upanayanam, shashtiaptapoorthi or some such event, I think we will tap enough resources. We may also develop marketing cow-related products. [ In the 70s, the Khadi organizations sold leather products obtained from the hides of naturally dead animals.]

    Some of our friends may know that in the US, there is a movement to save the horses from slaughter and against consuming horse meat!They say that the horse is so useful to mankind that it is ungrateful and cruel to slaughter them! So the horse has become their sacred cow! We may study the methods they adopt to raise funds, to promote public awareness and to organize themselves.

  4. Dear Sai,

    You are doing a Divine Karma. MahaPeriava will shower His blessings abundantly on you. Shankar’s!

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