124th Jayanthi special painting by Sri BN mama

Thanks to Sri BN Mama for this outstanding work! It is stunningly beautiful – tatroopam!!!! Mama’s first acrylic on canvas!!! It took just 2 days to finish this – can you believe this???

Hara Hara Sankara Jaya Jaya Sankara!!!

MahaPeriavA  85 - BN.JPG

Categories: Photos


6 replies

  1. HE is keenly observing and hearing others sufferings to bless them all to eliminate the difficulties by sitting at a corner of Sri madam ; this is what I read from the great painting .

  2. Maha Periyava Padham Charanam!! Tathroopam Periyava!! Thanks for sharing!!

  3. Sri Maha Periyava Maha Tathroopam. Thank you Sir for sharing this painting.

  4. Thathroopam. periyava prathyaksham.

  5. Excellent Anna….vishranthi periyava.

  6. Lovely .. great painting!! Pranams

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