Stepping up our protest and action against cow slaughter

stop killing cows


All –

I see lots of positive comments and support from all of you regarding preventing cow slaughter. I see notes saying that many have filed a complaint against these cow trafficking with our PM’s office etc…Thank you so much for your encouragement and support.

As I always tell, lack of information handy, is half the problem. First and foremost, we need to know how to react when we see a truck load of cows on the road being transported. We can’t call PM’s office in that situation, right?

We need to consolidate our efforts to create an information sheet on what to do at different situation. I would like to create post and pin it here permanently, where it has the website info, phone numbers of people who can rescue the cows that are being transported, ghosalas who can accept that truck load to solve the problem etc. I see many web sites, contact email ids, phone numbers referred in the comments…..

Can I request few volunteers to collate these information and send to me ( We can create a downloadable pocket-size info one can print it and keep it handy. We can think about distributing these in our kanchi matam / Kapaleeswarar temple etc during events…We need to spread the word – we have no other option….

In addition to reaching out to PM’s office etc, we need to explore how can we be in touch with CM’s office with the help of Peta like organizations so that the Tamilnadu-Kerala borders are closed and local slaughterhouses are closed as well. I know I might sound super-ambitious – but we need higher goals to achieve something….

Let us keep this movement going….We will try hard and do our best…With Periyava’s blessings, even if we are able to stop 100 cows getting slaughtered, that would be a great achievement.

With Periyava’s blessings, with internet and with youngsters, there is nothing we cannot achieve.

Hara Hara Shankara Jaya Jaya Shankara!


Categories: Announcements, Samrakshanam


16 replies

  1. I am not aware in what state the movement is. If possible let s create a whatsapp group for discussion and action. I am in touch with goshalas and people who have taken steps to save cows. There are people who can rescue cows going for slaughter but the rescuers do not know which goshala can accept them, as there are few goshalas and they live hand to mouth with irregular and insufficient donations. Provided financial suppport can be arranged to the extent possible we can find goshalas who can accept such rescues. For information a cow needs Rs.1500 to 2000 a month towards feed cost. The Jains have sponsors and their association members go direct to the slaughter house and rescue them before slaughter by paying them money. (it is anywhere between 15000 to 25000 per cow). They donate to build sheds and try to support with money for maintenance and make periodic visits to support the goshalas efforts. If you need more details, I am available .

  2. I already mentioned the plight of two goshalas in Chennai on Sage of Kanchi facebook group. Dr Sadhna Rao’s “Indian Institute of Animal Welfare” located in Neelangarai and in Venkatapuram (near Tiruvallur) and also another Sri Gokula krishna Goshala in Tiruvallur. The first one has 400 cows which is mainly supported by a group of Jains. But still she is in funds crunch many times when she has to pawn her jewels to feed the cows.

    The second one maintained by Mr Natraj has 90 cows and is totally depending on meagre contributions, I personally as well as through Sage of Group and other groups try to help whenever I can.

    But what we need is a monthly commitment from members, who can set aside a small sum whatever is affordable every month or every day and once a month buy fodder and contribute. Besides fodder they need money for electricity, water ( a cow needs 100 litres of water everyday) which is a scarce commodity until the recent rains and staff. Half the time the staff run away as their salaries are not paid. Anyone who needs more information can contact me on or on phone 9176611689

  3. I already mentioned the plight of two goshalas in Chennai on Sage of Kanchi facebook group. Dr Sadhna Rao’s “Indian Institute of Animal Welfare” located in Neelangarai and in Venkatapuram (near Tiruvallur) and also another Sri Gokula krishna Goshala in Tiruvallur. The first one has 400 cows which is mainly supported by a group of Jains. But still she is in funds crunch many times when she has to pawn her jewels to feed the cows.

    The second one maintained by Mr Natraj has 90 cows and is totally depending on meagre contributions, I personally as well as through Sage of Group and other groups try to help whenever I can.

    But what we need is a monthly commitment from members, who can set aside a small sum whatever is affordable every month or every day and once a month buy fodder and contribute. Besides fodder they need money for electricity, water ( a cow needs 100 litres of water everyday) which is a scarce commodity until the recent rains and staff. Half the time the staff run away as their salaries are not paid. Anyone who needs more information can contact me on or on phone 9176611689

  4. It is not correct argument to say that banning Cow slaughter is against any particular community, as no cow is available in Arabian desert. Only they were eating camel meat. It was only invaders, who wanted to insult Hindus at any cost and by all means, started cow slaughter. For vote bank considerations, no opportunity was missed to insult Hindus. That is how cow slaughter is being encouraged by the “Secular” elements. Can you allow selling pork before mosques? Nobody dares to do that. In the same way cow slaughter should be banned lock, stock and barrel.

    Jaya Jaya Shankara!
    Hara Hara Shankara!!

  5. Happy to share the news that the state of Maharashtra has amended The Maharashtra Animal Preservation Act. By signing this bill, cow slaughter has been successfully banned in the state. With Periyava’s blessing, Tamil Nadu should follow soon.

    Let us all pray towards that.

    Hara Hara Shankara Jaya Jaya Shankara.

    • Now for information we have succeeded in our first step – banning cow slaughter in Maharashtra.See today’s Mumbai mirror on President’s approval for ban in Maharashtra- hope it is spread to all states in India

      Bill banning cow slaughter in state gets President’s nod
      Mumbai Mirror Bureau TWEETS @_MumbaiMirror
      The Bill banning the cow slaughter in the state, pending for the last several years, received the President’s assent on Mon day, the state finance minister Sudhir Mungantiwar said.
      “I am very happy that the President finally gave his assent. We have been trying hard from the last several years to get the Bill passed into a law. It not only ensures that animals are not killed, but would also stabilise the agricultural situation. Prevention of the killing of animals will increase the productivity of farms. Even healthy animals were being killed for money, but it will stop now,“ Mungantiwar said.

      Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis too expressed happiness over President Pranab Mukherjee’s decision to give assent to the Bill.“Thanks a lot honourable President sir for the assent on Maharashtra Animal Preservation Bill.Our dream of ban on cow-slaughter becomes reality now,“ Fadnavis said on Twitter.

      A delegation of seven state BJP MPs led by Kirit Somaiya (MP from Mumbai North) had met the President in New Delhi recently and submitted a memorandum seeking assent to the bill.

      The memorandum said that the Maharashtra Animal Preservation (Amendment) Bill, 1995, passed during the previous Shiv Sena-BJP regime, was pending for approval for 19 years.

      Thereafter, several correspondences were exchanged between the state and the Centre for clarification of the effects of the implementation of the Bill on agriculture and farming.

      The BJP-Shiv Sena government in Maharashtra, after taking over in October last year, approved the file concerned related to pursuing the approval of the Bill. It was then submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs on November 13 last year. The delegation also included Anil Shirole, Gopal Shetty, Nana Patole, Kapil Patil, Sanjaykaka Patil and Sunil Gaikwad.

      However, Samajwadi Party legislator Abu Azmi criticised the development. “This is a politically coloured move. If the government has banned slaughter of cows and other cattle, then it should make arrangements for all cattle not fit for farming. It is wrong to say that only Muslims eat meat from cattle. Catholics and other some Hindu communities also eat cattle meat,“ he said.

      Now let us fight for complete country also.



  6. One look at the eyes of the cow would instantly convey the warmth, love as well as innocence. At the risk of being vitriolic I dare say the slaughterer is not a human being and those who eat it cannot have a good heart.

  7. A very noble initiative Shri Mahesh. Where there is a will there is a way and Maha Periyava will show that way. We will definitely achieve the goal. God bless you and your family.

  8. Yes, we are protesting against any cow slaughter and have also initiated through towards getting a signature campaign to the PMO.
    We should repeatedly take this up to make it effective and have posters put up at Mutt offices -all India also and team up with RSS/VHP who are very aggressive in such areas.
    Pray that Mahaperiyava will be blessing us to make it successful.

  9. The service you do to our community is amazing!! I use to read all your posts and relish. This particular post makes all of us think deeply what to do next. All the interested people should join hands to solve this problem. Periyava will guide us what to do in this regard. Periyava Padakamalam sharanam.

  10. Dear Mahesh : Am one among the many lauding all your noble efforts with the blessings of Mahaperiyavaa. Hv been getting many mails from seeking my signature for many petitions of social issues and in due course get mails from the same persons saying their mission has been successful. I do not know how it works or how to make a petition under this. If someone who knows this can make petitions seeking ban on cow slaughter, getting it signed by thousands of persons and send them to the PM as also CMs of States where cow slaughter is committed, it will have an impact. Mahaperiyavaa shall certainly bless this to be accomplished. Regards

  11. Dear Mahesh, I am an avid reader of almost all your posts. Especially such a post on stopping the cow slaughter is extremely laudable. Many may not know that Mahatma Gandhiji never allowed cows to be slaughtered. I have come across a few Christians and Muslims who do not eat beef. And there are times in a year, Christian stay away from eating any meat. Gandhiji’s thoughts on this subject must be brought to the attention of the new generation in Bharat, who may not recognise that Gandhiji lived here. The great Chatrapathy Shivaji Maharaj coming across a butcher attempting to slaughter a cow, drew his sword and killed him. It is a pity that a few SI brahmins, who are strict vegetarians, are engaged and thriving in the cow hides market. I am also sure that they must be daily praying before their chosen Gods to seek pardon for their unpardonable activities. I have read somewhere that in Afghanistan, centuries ago, invaders, who converted the Hindu population, many a Hindu who had no other choice but to embrace Islam, pleaded with the invaders that they must be allowed to retain their food habits, i.e., permitted their practice not to eat beef. But the invaders told the Hindus that they should not only embrace Islam but also become beef eaters. If careful and gentle approaches are made to liberal Christians and Muslims,I am sure they would stop eating beef and also lend support to such activities fighting for the prevention of cow slaughter.

  12. In my humble opinion I have a small idea.. Instead of giving booklet to people who are concerned for cows, we must start ghoshalas and give incentives slightly higher and buy the cows. We can give opportunity to those working in harmful leather tannaries, an alternative enjoyable and harmless job of rearing old cows, earning many fold more than what they would earn at tannaries by making panchaghavya products and other useful products. We must press govt. to help setup cooperative cowsheds and also get back grazing lands for cows. Just my thoughts… Moreover we have already started the ‘no leather’ initiative..that’s good one


    They do a wonderful job in India and many of the things that we want to do is being done by this group. We can perhaps join hands with him, give them more support and further accelerate our involvement.

  14. Sitting in a corner of the world and connecting people and doing such a work, is extremely good. No other word to express. one drop fire, spreads the whole world. Let Mahaperiyava’s blessing be with you and everyone. Next, Divine Thoughts – Each and everyone is gold. one of the readers, was mentioning, not able to read as the font is so small. Please save it in the JPG format and read it in the “slide view”. By reading it, every quote will change our life. Periyava is the Eswarar. your are the Arthanathiswarar. God bless you. As Periyava said, you are saving those people, by stopping slaughtering, who slaughter cows and accumulating their bad Karmas. Infact, they should understand it is good for them, by not doing slaughtering. They have to face the result in the next “janams”. Now itself, they should wake up. Nobody can escape from the karmas. Cows are mother of all “Jeevans”. Any Jeevan can survive with cow milk at the younger age. What could be punishment for doing such worst cruel activities. Please stop. Good for you only.
    Mahaperiyava charanam.

  15. Mahesh Garu

    Rightly said and I would attempt to explore more info on this regard and later would inform you. This is the first step towards stopping atrocities against divine cows, I believe.

    Be the blessings of Periva remain as always to you and your dedicated work on religion.

    We are with you Mahesh Garu!

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