Post-flood videos from Kedarnath temple

Found lots of videos of Kedarnath temple (taken inside) – the damage is beyond words…..It really pains to see….it seems like it would take a very long time to bring this temple to normalcy.

In such a devastation – only Lord Shiva and Lord Nandhikeshwar alone is there, everything else is gone. I read somewhere that Lord Mahavishnu requested Lord Shiva to bless him witness Mahapralaya. Lord Shiva told Mahavishnu that except himself and Nandhi everything would be gone and others should become part of himself to witness Mahapralaya – including Devi, Vishnu etc. I guess this is the proof for this…


Categories: Announcements, Periyava TV


5 replies

  1. very painful. No words to express.

  2. within 6 months we wil;l see kedarnath temples poojas will start as devout kedarnath devotees will not keep quiet until pooja starts there

  3. People who have returned from Kedarnath have many things to tell. It appears
    that it would take a couple of years to rebuild the temple and its surroundings

    Balasubramanian NR

  4. only the lord shiva sitting there witnessing all this pralayam. shiva shiva sankaraaaaaaaaa………

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