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April Mylai Anusham

Blessed to be part of this event today….Great to see lots of devotees doing this with passion….I felt fortunate to be here with all of them….It seems that anusham after anusham, the scale is increasing and Sri Ganesa Sarma is doing an amazing job of alankaram and Sri Prakash Koushik bringing his vedic students for chanting etc.

At one place in the procession, a “narikurava” woman was sitting on the platform. Someone gave a flower prasadam to her from Periyava. She was so happy and she prayed with both her hands above her head. It was great to see not just her – so many by-standers / folks passing by standing and enjoying/praying to Periyava.

Isn’t our thatha the biggest crowd-puller?!!

Here are some photos and video….

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