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வேதமும் பண்பாடும் – Book launched !

Book Release

Book Release

Book release:
The Tamil book titled ‘VEDAMUM PANPAADUM’ written by Sarma Sastrigal was blessed and released by His Holiness Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Sri Jayendra Saraswati Swamigal at a glittering and hall packed attendance at the famous Krishna Gana Sabha in T’Nagar of Chennai on 2nd Dec. 2012. Brahmasri Gururama Ghanapaadigal and Y.Prabhu, the secretary of the Sabha, Udayalur kalyanaraman have received the first copies at the Holy hands of the Kanchi sage.

About the book:
Welcoming the elite gathering Sri Y. Prabhu, the Secretary of the Krishna Gana Sabha stressed that the book brought out by Brahmasri Sarma Sastrigal should be possessed by every ‘grahastha’ of the community since it serves as a valuable guide. The book includes crisp answers to various questions that might trouble our minds while we try to adhere to our Sastras and nitya karma-anushtanams, he further said.

Sarma Sastrigal speaks:
Delivering the author’s musings, Sri Sarma Sastrigal offered his pranams at the Holy feet of the Acharyal and called upon the audience to sincerely follow at lease our basic anushtanams since a person born in the ‘dwijanma’ class does not automatically get the Brahmin stamp; he has to earn it. We often speak proudly of our grandfather or great grandfather and other adhere to our culture. Do we come across ourselves as role models to our own grandchildren if not, isn’t time we did? the author asked the audience.

Blessings by the Kanchi sage:
Kanchi Acharyal in His Srimukham observed that the author Sarma Sastrigal has taken great strain in bringing out this book only to make the young generation of the community realize the intricacies of the Vedic way of life.

For Book launch function photos, here is a link:

Those interested in getting this book may kindly contact Sri Sasthrigal thru

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