2 replies

  1. Jai Ma


    Most beautiful aerial photos showing the whole layout. Many thanks for such clarity. A few humble sugestions may be considered:

    1. As there is hardly ANY traffic and only 3 buses are seen in the background, there is NO NEED for loud HONKING which is clearly heard in the video and which has become an obscene obsession in our land. All vehicular traffic should be clearly warned beforehand to maintain strict silence to sustain sanctity of the site and not disturb worship, japam, etc.

    2. Much beautiful open land is seen adjacent to the holy temple prakara within and without, along the pradakshina path as well as beyond.

    .SriSri MahaSwamigal often mentioned certain trees:

    1) Agathikeerai, Sesbania grandiflora: He warmly recommended planting this tree along with not drinking coffee! Leaves from Agathikeerai could be harvested annually for Gomata, in His words! So, that is an indication of His preferences. It is a good shade tree, its flowers are edible and useful for the worship of Sri Shankara, and it is a legume, fixing atmospheric nitrogen.

    2) Amalaka : this is a tree whose fruit has too many sterling qualities well-known here. Mother Sita had Her hair washed with Amalaka for Her wedding, and its association with Sri Shankara Bhagavatpada is legion. SriSriMahaswami was fond of and also urged all to start Dvadashi parana with Amalaka fruit preparation along with rice. It is believed that dhyana, japa, under the amalaka is particularly auspicious and effective. It is also very much adapted to the climate and soils of TN and TNAU Coimbatur has excellent improved cultivar(s) of Amalaka that may be grown with minimal irrigation and care.

    3) White and Red Sandalwood: Within the temple grounds, it is useful to start plantings of both for the future. Indian Sandal, Santalum album, takes at least 60-80 years to generate useful quantities of heartwood, which is the part yielding “sandal”. Outside the temple walls, there are Australian species that also can be grown as rainfed shrubby hedgerows to demarcate edges, and harvested on a 12-15 year pollarding system. Their yields of oil and paste are also useful.

    4) In the dappled shade of such trees, many medicinal natives find their ideal growth. They are also used in worship.


  2. Mahaperiava must be venerated as one of the greatest sages, saints of this country. He inspires us more when this rishi is regarded as an incarnation of Adhi Shankara.

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