4 replies

  1. Maheshji
    Let Periava look towards India and bless us mortals from His New Graham!
    Like Vithura maharaja. Invited Bhagwan Sri Krishna “Krishna come to your house “and
    Sri.Krishna did go to the house of Vithura and had food.

    This, despite all Maharajas inviting Sri Krishna to their house for food “Please come to my house,come to my house.
    You have whole heartedly invited Him to His House In US and HE Has come !!
    Blessed you are Maheshji

  2. Sri Mahaperiyava Charanam

  3. Excellent. He seems to be very happy and contented there and hence your home is blessed. It is said that one can earn a lot to be called rich and affluent but the fruits of the affluence cannot be enjoyed by all those. Santhushti can come from His blessings only. May you have all of that.

  4. Saranam Saranam Sri Maha Prabho. Pahi Pahi . Janakiraman. Nagapattinam

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