எல்லாம் தெரியும்…செஞ்சுண்டே வா…போகப் போக எல்லாம் தெரிஞ்சுடும்

Thank you Sri Kannan for the share….


அவருக்குக் கொஞ்ச நாட்களாகவே வேலைக்குப் போகப் பிடிக்காமல் ஒரு வித பயம் ஏற்பட்டது;
ஆஃபீஸ் செல்லப் பிடிக்காமல் வீட்டிலேயே இருக்கத் தோன்றியது. நாளடைவில் தூக்கமின்மையும்
சேர்ந்து கொண்டது. சில தினங்கள் முன்புதான் வேலையில் ப்ரமோஷன் வந்திருந்தது அந்தப்
பதவிக்கான வேலைகளை பொறுப்பாகச் செய்ய இயலவில்லை..மேலதிகாரிகள் அதெல்லாம்
ஒன்றுமில்லை கவலைப்படாதே என ஆறுதல் சொல்லி வந்தனர்.

தன் மனைவியிடமும், தாயார், தம்பியிடமும் ”நான் வேலைக்குப் போகமாட்டேன்..ஆனால்
அதனால் நம் குடும்பம் கஷ்டப்படுமே ”என்று மட்டும் சொல்லி வந்தார். வேலைக்கு லீவும்
எழுதிக் கொடுத்து விட்டார். அப்போது அவர் வயது முப்பத்தெட்டுதான்..

மனமுடைந்து போன மனைவி சில நண்பர்களின் யோஜனையின் பேரில் அவரைக் காஞ்சிபுரம்
அழைத்துச் சென்றாள். மனைவி பெரியவாளிடம் நடந்தவற்றை உருக்கமாக எடுத்துச் சொன்னாள்.

ஸ்ரீபெரியவா”நாளிக்கு பூஜைக்கு வா”என்றார்கள். அதன்படி மறு நாள் பூஜையில் சென்று அமர்ந்தனர்.
பூஜை முடிந்த பின் கைங்கர்யம் செய்பவர்களிடம் அபிஷேக ஜலத்தை அவர் தலையின் மேல் கொட்டி
ஸ்னானம் செய்விக்கச் சொன்னார்.

மறு நாள் இவர் ஸ்னானத்திற்கு செல்லும்போது, எட்ட இருந்த பெரியவா இவரைக் கூப்பிட்டார்.

”வேலைக்குப் போ ”என்று தம் கையில் இருந்த மரச் சொம்பில் எழுதிக் காண்பித்தார்.

”வேலையில் எனக்கு ஒன்றும் தெரியவில்லை” என்றார் இவர்.

”எல்லாம் தெரியும்…செஞ்சுண்டே வா…போகப் போக எல்லாம் தெரிஞ்சுடும்”

இதைச் சொல்லி கையில் இருந்த செம்பருத்தி புஷ்பத்தைச் சாப்பிடச் சொன்னார்.பின்”க்ஷேமமா இரு”
என அந்தக் கருணை தெய்வம் வாழ்த்தி அனுப்பினார்.

ஐந்தே ஐந்து நாட்களில் மாயாஜாலம் நிகழ்ந்தது! மனமாற்றம் ஏற்பட்டு, வேலையை ஒழுங்காக கவனிக்கத் தொடங்கினார். தூங்க ஆரம்பித்தார்! மஹாஸ்வாமிகள் எனும் மனோதத்துவ டாக்டரால் முடியாதது ஏதும் உண்டோ இப்பூவுலகில்!

அனுபவம்..திரு குஞ்சித பாதம் அவர்கள்

தகவல் கல்கி.

ஜய ஜய சங்கரா…..

Categories: Devotee Experiences

6 replies

  1. Yesterday, I was at the clinic of my family physician with a problem that is similar to the episode – complete lack of sleep, desire to get away from the job, complete confusion etc. I used to stay awake in the night for several days and plead with Periyavaa and request his intervention to overcome my confusion, lack of sleep, career difficulties and my daughter’s disabilities… In my view it is a miracle of Periyavaa that I have not deteriorated further physically considering my three to four hours of night time sleep at the maximum for months together.
    I read this episode and then got into the doctors clinic after a bout of drowsiness.. The doctor examined me and he had done so a few weeks earlier as well for the same issue. This time I said I am at wits end after having met the second ENT surgeon as well whose nasal spary produced a side effect that was similar to the condition that woke me up in the night viz. complete dryness of the mouth induced due to sleeping with my mouth open. I am certain that Periyavaa took control of the two minds at that time, I suggested to the doctor to have my nose examined and before that my doctor decided that he should fortify the spray he suggested with an anti histamine that will solve the nasal allergy and also help me to sleep. On examining my nose he said that the right nostril was completely blocked by allergy and was reddish (which had been seen by two ENT surgeons both physically and in a scan as well ). He then measured my BP which was 120/84 – a miracle considering that I hardly slept the prevoius day and was sleep deprieved for several days before. The doctor ( Periyavaa) then prescribed a Cetzine based drug. I had the spray and tablet at 9:30 PM went to sleep at 10:30 PM and got up refreshed today at around 6:00 AM in the morning.
    It is one major problem down due to Periyavaa and I am sure I am on the road to recovery on my sleeplessness. With his grace I am sure I will surmount my other setbacks. Hey parandhama cleanse me and make my bakthi to you immutable and give me vivekam!


  2. English Translation:

    He was not feeling comfortable in his jobs for last few days and developing some unknown fear over it. He decided to stop going office and stay at home, eventually he lost his sleep also. In fact he was recently got promoted in his profession, however, he could not take up responsibilities…… His seniors advised him to concentrate on his job.

    He told his wife, mother and his brother that he is firm on not continue his job……but however felt bad of his family future without any earning. He even wrote a leave letter and submitted it also. He was merely thirty eight years old.

    With broken heart, his wife consulted a few of his friends about his present behavior. Some advised her to take him to Maha Periva at Kanchipuram. She did so and burst into cry in front of Maha Periva.

    Maha Periva listened carefully and asked them to come back next day for Pooja. They also turned next day for Pooja and once it completed, Maha Periva advised volunteers to pour the ‘Abhisheka Water’ on this man’s head as Snanam.

    The next day, we he was about to go for Snanam, Maha Periva who was watching him going, called near and signed by writing on the wooden vessel as “Start going office”.

    This man said, “I don’t know anything about this new line of activities”.

    “Don’t worry….. Keep doing your job…. You will learn while doing”, said Maha Periva.

    Saying this, he gave him Hibiscus flower and ordered him to eat it. Later Maha Periva, the lord of compassion pronounced ’Kshema iru’ (Be well always)
    Within five days the miracle happened. With new enthusiasm this man was going his job regularly, sleeping periodically. Maha Periva who Himself a Psychiatrist, if He cannot treat nobody can!

    Experience: Sri Kunjithapadam

    Info: Kalki

    Jaya Jaya Shankara…..

  3. Pranam. Can someone translate this please? Sincere thanks D

  4. Pranam. Can someone translate this? Sincere thanks D

  5. This is a very helpful upload. This – that is, the fear part- reflects the experience of many who have been in service. Most of us have felt such fear or utter distaste for the job at times. But Sri Kunchitapadam is extremely blessed that he got relief from Sri Periyava himself!

    I did indeed feel such fear thrice in my service of 33 years, which I spent mostly in the North. First time, I took leave for 2 months. Second time, I was on leave for 3 months. But both times, on some impulse I turned to the Jayamangala Stotram of Brahmasri Sengalipuram Anantarama Dikshitar and followed the instructions there. And on both occasions, I got relief after a mandalam. On the third occasion, the pressure and tension was so much that I fell ill and chose to retire voluntarily. [I then remembered Mahakavi Bharatiyar’s words: “வீணருக்கு உழைத்து உடல் நாம் ஓயமாட்டோம்” ]

    I write this only to reveal that many of us in service have felt such fear and uncertainty at times. We resort to astrology and other parihara, but their result is uncertain and they take their own time.. The soul who could obtain instant relief from Sri Periyava is exceptionally blessed.

    Sri Arunagirinatha sang: ” ஆபத்தில் அஞ்சலென்ற பெருமாளே “.” அறிவும் அறி தத்துவமும் அபரிமித வித்தைகளும் அறி என இமைப்பொழுதில் வாழ்வித்த வேதியனும் “. Indeed, these are exactly the two blessings conferred here by Sri Periyava! After all, was He not Swaminathan, too?

    This is a thrilling episode, and only those who had faced such a situation can fully realise its significance. We feel so blessed.


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