இன்று நீ ஏழு மணிக்குத் திரும்ப கச்சேரி பண்ணு

Thanks to Smt Saraswathi Thyagarajan mami for FB posting..Thanks Sri Krishna for the translation…



ஸ்ரீமஹாபெரியவா மீரஜ்ஜில் முகாமிட்டிருந்தபோது பெரியவா ஜயந்திக்கு எங்கள் குழுவுடன் சென்னையிலிருந்து கச்சேரி செய்யச் சென்றோம். 

மறு நாள் பௌர்ணமி பூஜையில் பெரியவா பரிவட்டம் தரித்துக்கொண்டு நிஷ்டையில் இருந்த சமயம்”வெங்கடேசனை தீக்ஷிதர் க்ருதிகளைத் தனியாக வாசிக்கச் சொல்லு” என்று உத்தரவாயிற்று. ஒரு மணி நேரம் ராகங்கள், கீர்த்தனைகள் வாசித்த பிறகு, நிஷ்டை கலைந்து,தலையிலுள்ள பரிவட்டத்தை எனக்கு போர்த்தக் கூறினார். அதை இன்னும் பத்திரமாகப் பூஜையில் வைத்திருக்கிறேன்.

மறு நாள் காலையில் எட்டு மணி முதல்பன்னிரண்டு மணி வரை கச்சேரி செய்து விட்டு , மாலை ஏழு மணிக்கு மஹாலக்ஷ்மி சென்னை திரும்ப உத்தரவு கேட்டோம். பெரியவா ஏழு பத்துக்கு மறுபடியும் வாசிக்கக் கூறினார்.ரிடர்ன் டிக்கெட் ரிசர்வ் செய்த டிக்கெட்ஐ எப்படி கேன்சல் செய்வது என சங்கடப் பட்டுக்கொண்டிருந்த போது ,பெரியவா தரிசனத்துக்காக சகாக்களுடநும் குடும்பத்தாருடனும் அவூர் HTC வந்தார். அவரிடம் ஸ்ரீமான் ஸ்ரீகண்டன், ராமமூர்த்தி இவர்கள் விஷயத்தை விவரிக்க, நான் வேண்டியதைச் செய்கிறேன்; நாளை காளை Express dutyyயில் என்னுடன் மூவரையும் எல்லா வசதிகளையும் செய்து மயிலையில் சென்று விட்டு வருகிறேன் என்று சொன்னார்.

மாலை ஆறு மணி முதல் ஒன்பது மணி வரை கச்சேரி. கண்ணுக்கு எட்டிய தூரம் ஜனங்கள் ரசித்துக் கொண்டிருக்கும் சமயம், சாங்களி மஹாராஜா குடும்பத்துடன் பெரியவாளை தரிசிக்க புஷ்பம் பழத்தட்டுகளுடன் சிவப்பு, வெள்ளை, நீலம் காஷ்மீர்
சால்வைகளை சமர்ப்பித்தார். ஸ்ரீ பெரியவா வலது புறத்தில் நீலமும், இடது புறத்தில் வெள்ளையும், சிரஸில் சிகப்பு அணிந்து ஜகஜ்ஜோதியாகக் காட்சி அளித்தார்.

அரை மணி நேரம் கழித்து மஹாராஜாவையே புஷ்ப, பழத் தட்டில் சிவப்பு சால்வையை வைத்து என் தகப்பனாருக்கும், நீல சால்வையை எனக்கும், வெள்ளை சால்வையை மிருதங்கம் .ரமேஷுக்கும் போர்த்தச் சொன்னார். இதைப் பெரும் பாக்யமாகவும் ரக்ஷையாகவும் நாங்கள் கருதுகிறோம்.

மறு நாள் காலை ஏழு மணிக்கு எங்களை அழைத்துச் செல்ல, தலைமை டிக்கெட் பரிசோதகர் வர, பெரியவா எங்களுக்கு எல்லாம் விபூதி, குங்கும ப்ரஸாதம் கொடுத்து ஆசீர்வதித்து அனுப்பி வைத்தார்.

ப்ரயாணத்தில் பேப்பரைப் பார்த்தபோது, நாங்கள் ப்ரயாணம் செய்ய இருந்த மஹாலக்ஷ்மி எக்ஸ்ப்ரெஸ் பெல்காம் அருகில் ஆறு பெட்டி தடம் புரண்டு விழுந்ததைக் கேட்டு அதிர்ச்சி அடைந்தோம். நடமாடும் தெய்வம் மஹாபெரியவா அனுக்ரஹத்தால்தானே ரயில்
ப்ரயாணத்தை ரத்து செய்து அங்கு தங்கினோம். எப்படிப்பட்ட தீர்க்கதரிசி

இதனை தரிசன அனுபவங்கள் நான்காம் தொகுதியில் புல்லங்குழல் வித்வான் G.வெங்கடேசன் பகிர்ந்து கொள்கிறார். அவர் தந்தை ப்ரம்மஸ்ரீ சித்தூர் கோபால க்ருஷ்ணைய்யர்.

ஹர ஹர சங்கர ஜய ஜய சங்கர…..

When Shri MahaPeriyava was camping in Meeraj, for His Jayanthi, our troupe had come from Chennai for performing a Kacheri.

The next day, when Periyava was in meditation wearing a ‘Parivattam’ (headdress/turban), He issued an order, “Ask Venkatesan to play Deekshathar’s Kruthis exclusively.” After an hour of playing Raagams and Keerthanais, He came out of His meditation and indicated that His Parivattam be placed on my head. I still have it placed safely in my Puja room.

The following day, after doing Kacheri from 8am to 12 noon, we asked for permission to return to Chennai at 8pm on the Mahalakshmi Express. At 7:10, Periyava asked me to start playing again. When we were worrying about how to cancel the return ticket that we had booked, the Aavur HTC came there for Periyava’s Darshan along with friends and relatives. When Shri Shrikantan and Ramamoorthy conveyed the matter to him, he said ‘I will take care of everything. I will make all arrangements in tomorrow morning’s Mylai Express and I will take leave along with the three of them’.

There was a Kacheri from 6pm to 9pm. There were people as far as the eye could see, enjoying the Kacheri. Just then, the Sangli Maharaaja came there with his family. He brought with him plates of flowers and fruits. He also brought green, white and blue Kashmir shawls and submitted them to Periyava. Periyava was adorned with a blue shawl on His right side, a white shawl on the left and red shawl on His head. It was simply wonderful to see Him like that !

After 30 minutes, as per His orders, the Maharaja himself placed a red shawl on the plate of flowers and fruits and presented it to my father, presented a blue shawl to me and presented a white shawl to Mridangam Ramesh. We consider this a great honour and a symbol of His protection.

The following morning at 7am, the chief ticket inspector came to escort us. Periyava gave all of us Vibhuthi, Kumkum and Prasadam, blessed us and sent us on our way.

During our travel, we happened to see the newspaper and were shocked to learn that 6 bogies of the Mahalakshmi Express in which we were to travel the previous night had derailed. We realized that it was due to Periyava, who was a walking God, that we cancelled our journey and stayed back. We wondered at his foresight !

Flautist G Venkatesan shares this experience in ‘Darisana AnubavangaL’ part 4. His father was BrahmaRishi Chitoor Gopala Krishna Iyer

Categories: Devotee Experiences


10 replies

  1. This experience of yours brings tears to our eyes. Maha Periyava Saranam.

  2. Maha Periyava Protects His Devotees always! Hara Hara Shankara, Jaya Jaya Shankara!

  3. English translation

    Inru Nee 7 MaNikku thirumbi Kacheri PaNNu

    When Shri MahaPeriyava was camping in Meeraj, for His Jayanthi, our troupe had come from Chennai for performing a Kacheri.

    The next day, when Periyava was in meditation wearing a ‘Parivattam’ (headdress/turban), He issued an order, “Ask Venkatesan to play Deekshathar’s Kruthis exclusively.” After an hour of playing Raagams and Keerthanais, He came out of His meditation and indicated that His Parivattam be placed on my head. I still have it placed safely in my Puja room.

    The following day, after doing Kacheri from 8am to 12 noon, we asked for permission to return to Chennai at 8pm on the Mahalakshmi Express. At 7:10, Periyava asked me to start playing again. When we were worrying about how to cancel the return ticket that we had booked, the Aavur HTC came there for Periyava’s Darshan along with friends and relatives. When Shri Shrikantan and Ramamoorthy conveyed the matter to him, he said ‘I will take care of everything. I will make all arrangements in tomorrow morning’s Mylai Express and I will take leave along with the three of them’.

    There was a Kacheri from 6pm to 9pm. There were people as far as the eye could see, enjoying the Kacheri. Just then, the Sangli Maharaaja came there with his family. He brought with him plates of flowers and fruits. He also brought green, white and blue Kashmir shawls and submitted them to Periyava. Periyava was adorned with a blue shawl on His right side, a white shawl on the left and red shawl on His head. It was simply wonderful to see Him like that !

    After 30 minutes, as per His orders, the Maharaja himself placed a red shawl on the plate of flowers and fruits and presented it to my father, presented a blue shawl to me and presented a white shawl to Mridangam Ramesh. We consider this a great honour and a symbol of His protection.

    The following morning at 7am, the chief ticket inspector came to escort us. Periyava gave all of us Vibhuthi, Kumkum and Prasadam, blessed us and sent us on our way.

    During our travel, we happened to see the newspaper and were shocked to learn that 6 bogies of the Mahalakshmi Express in which we were to travel the previous night had derailed. We realized that it was due to Periyava, who was a walking God, that we cancelled our journey and stayed back. We wondered at his foresight !

    Flautist G Venkatesan shares this experience in ‘Darisana AnubavangaL’ part 4. His father was BrahmaRishi Chitoor Gopala Krishna Iyer

  4. Sivan Sar own writing  was on display at the aradhana observed yesterday.


    From:”Sage of Kanchi” Date:Sun, 8 Mar, 2015 at 8:01 Subject:[New post] இன்று நீ ஏழு மணிக்குத் திரும்ப கச்சேரி பண்ணு

    mahesh posted: “Thanks to Smt Saraswathi Thyagarajan mami for FB posting….Hopefully Sri Krishna will do the translation…   ஸ்ரீமஹாபெரியவா மீரஜ்ஜில் முகாமிட்டிருந்தபோது பெரியவா ஜயந்திக்கு எங்கள் குழுவுடன் சென்னையிலிருந்து கச்சேரி செய்யச் சென்றோம்.  “

  5. I never had such an one-to-One with His Holiness ever. It was not destined to be. Possible, if ever it had happened, I would have left behind everything and joined Him at the Mutt in His service! Just once I remember [and that was the last time as well — January 1990] after having His Darshan along with the multitude, me and my wife were walking away.

    I just got into a corner in order to change into my trousers and shirt from my dhoti [Vaeshti]. There was a huge 20 feet long & about 10 feet high iron rod fence to my left. I turn around and what do I see? Sri Periyavaa [on the other side of the fence] just before entering his room, stopped, turned around and Waved His Hand in Blessing towards me and my wife! Mind you there was nobody else anywhere near us then! Therefore that Wave & Blessing was our exclusive!

    He has come in my dreams so many times. I shall write about it when I deem it appropriate. Else, on a regular basis, I speak to Him, laugh with Him, cut jokes with Him, share my pains with Him, cry before Him, read out articles to Him, show him religious pravachanams of Sri Sri Anna, Sri Velukudi Krishnan Swamigal, Sri Thirumeeyachchur Kumbabhishekam etc.

    A couple of years back, a few Vedic Scholars from Andhra were reciting Sri Rudram Gana Paatam at Thiruvaanai Kovil Sankara Mutt. That kind of a Chant I have never heard before in my life. You know what happened then? As I was immersed in the Chant, Sri Periyavaa started performing a Nardhanam to the beat of the Chant in my heart . It brought copious tears to mine eyes — I didn’t tell anyone as to what was going on inside me. The Ganapatigals in unison Blessed me for whatever reason! Well. That’s all for now!

  6. No words to express.

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