பேயனும், விளக்கெண்ணையும்

Thanks to Karthi for this wonderful article. Karthi’s writing style is as exact as Sri Ra Ga anna! Brilliant! I vaguely remember posted this already here…This is a truly a great incident to read it again, even if this is a repeat! Thanks Kannan for the translation.


அந்த இடம் விழுப்புரம் வேத பாடசாலை.

நடந்தது 1960 களில்.

இன்று போல், (இன்றும் பெருவாரியாக அப்படித் தான்) அன்றும் வேத பாடசாலைக் குழந்தைகளுக்கு, முரட்டு நாலு முழ சோமன், உண்டக்கட்டி, மட்ட ரக அரிசியில் சாதம். ஒருவேளை தான் சுடுசாதம், காலை மிஞ்சியது தான் இரவுக்கும்.

போட்டதைத் தின்றுவிட்டு, சாகை, சந்தம் என்று தொண்டை கிழிய கத்தினதுகள் அந்த சிறுசுகள். படுத்துக் கொள்ளும் பாயிலேயே தூக்கத்தில் மூச்சா போகும் ஐந்து, ஆறு வயது குழந்தைகள் கூட அந்த பாட சாலையில் இருந்தன.

ஒரே வார்த்தையில் சொல்வோமா?

அந்த குழந்தைகள் செய்தது ‘த்யாகம்’. லோக க்ஷேமத்திற்காக.

அதில் கொஞ்சம் வயது முதிர்ந்த குழந்தைகள். ஒரு தவறு செய்துவிட்டன.

என்ன தவறு?

கலியின் கொடுமை. அந்த வேத பாடசாலைக்கு பின்புறமே ஒரு திரை அரங்கு வந்தது. சுவர் தாண்டிக் குதித்தால் திரைப் படம் காணப் போய்விடலாம். போயும் விட்டார்கள்.

வேதபாடசாலை மேற்பார்வை செய்துகொண்டிருந்த அன்பருக்கு விவரம் தெரிந்தது.

பெற்றவர்கள் மற்றும் உறவினர் சிலர் வந்தால் வெளியில் சென்று கண்ட இடத்தில் கண்டதை தின்றுவிட்டு வந்து விடுகிறார்கள் என்ற குற்றச்சாட்டும் கூடவே.

ஸ்ரீமடத்துக்கு கடிதம் எழுதினார், மனக்குமுறலை.

ஐயனிடம் இருந்து உத்தரவானது.

வேதபாடசாலைக் குழந்தைகளுடன் முகாம் நோக்கி வருமாறு. கார்வேட் நகரில் முகாம் அப்போது. பாடசாலை மேற்பார்வை அன்பர், குழந்தைகளுடன் சென்றார் கார்வேட் நோக்கி.

ஸ்ரீ சரணரிடம் இருந்து உத்தரவு, குழந்தைகளுக்கு வாய்க்கு பிடித்த மாதிரி அவர்கள் கேட்கும் உணவு பதார்த்தங்களை சமைத்து போடச் சொல்லி.

ஒரு வாரம் போல் ஆனது. குழந்தைகள் ஏதோ ‘தாத்தா’ ஆத்துக்கு, விடுமுறைக்கு வந்த குழந்தைகள் போல், கோவில், குளக்கரை என்று பொழுது போக்கிக் கொண்டு, வாய்க்கு பிடித்ததை சாப்பிட்டுக் கொண்டு.

‘தாத்தா’ கூப்பிட்டபோது மட்டும், போய், அவர் ‘திருமுன்’ சந்தம், சாகை சொல்லிவிட்டு வருவர். அன்பருக்கோ வருத்தமான வருத்தம். யாரையும் கூப்பிட்டு ‘கண்டிப்பா?, கேட்கக் கூட இல்லையே?, பாடம் வேறு போகிறதே?’.

ஒரு வாரம் போல் கழிந்த பின், பாடசாலை ஆசிரியரோடு, குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஆசி வழங்கி, பிரசாதம் அருளி ஊர் அனுப்பிவிட்டார் பரம கருணா மூர்த்தி. மறந்தும் வேதக் குழந்தைகளை கண்டிக்கவில்லை.

அன்பர் மட்டும் நிறுத்தி வைக்கப் பட்டார்.

மறுநாள் உத்தரவானது.

‘உன் நக்ஷத்ரம் என்ன?’


‘உன் ஆம்படையாளுக்கு?’


‘நீ ஒண்ணு பண்ணு. ஒன் நக்ஷத்ரத்துக்கும், ஒன் ஆம்படையாள் நக்ஷத்ரத்துக்கும் பாடசாலை கொழந்தேளுக்கு ஒரு ஸ்வீட் பண்ணி ஒன் கையால போடு. வேத குழந்தேள் வயிறு குளுந்தா அத்தனை விசேஷம்’

‘நிச்சயமா பண்றேன். எனக்கு ரெண்டு புள்ளேள். அவாளுக்கு ஆருத்ரா, அப்புறம் புனர்பூசம்’.

‘தாராளமா பேஷா பண்ணேன். நாலு நாள், கொழந்தேள் ஒன் உபாயத்தால இனிப்பு சாப்பிடட்டுமே’.

ஊருக்கெல்லாம் தெரிந்தது. இருபத்தேழு நக்ஷத்திரம் தானே…வேதக் குழந்தைகளுக்கு பண்ணிப் போட்டால் அத்தனை விசேஷமாமே, தலைமுறை தலைமுறைக்கு அந்த புண்ணியம் காபந்து பண்ணுமாமே?

தினம் தினம் வடை பாயசத்தோடு சாப்பாடு.

ஐயன் அழைத்தார் அன்பரை, திரும்பவும்.

“நீ என்ன பண்ணு…தினமும் பேயன் பழத்தை வெளக்கெண்ணையில நறுக்கி போட்டு, ஒரு துண்டு பேயன் பழம், கொஞ்சம் ஒரு உத்ரிணி வெளக்கெண்ணை அத்தனை கொழந்தைகளுக்கும் ஒன் கையால ராத்திரி படுத்துக்க போறதுக்கு முன்னாடி ஊட்டி விடு…கடலைமா பக்ஷணம், நெய் வேற…வயித்துக்கு ஆகாது…வெளக்கெண்ணை, வயித்தை சுத்தம் பண்ணும்…கொழந்தேள் தொண்டை கிழிய வேதம் சொல்றதுகள். ஒடம்பு சூடு வேறே. ஒடம்புக்கு குளிர்ச்சியும்…வெளக்கெண்ணை தரும். நீயும் அவா கிட்டே பாடசாலையிலே ஒரு ஓரமா படுத்துக்கோ.”

கொஞ்ச நாள் போனது. அன்பர் ஐயன் தரிசனம் போனார்.

‘இப்போ எந்த கொழந்தையாவது செவுறு தாண்டி போறதோ? கண்ட எடத்திலே சாப்பிடறதோ?’

அவரிடமிருந்த கண்ணீர் மட்டும் தான் பதிலாய் வந்தது. அது நன்றிக் கண்ணீர் மட்டுமல்ல. ஆனந்தக் கண்ணீர்.

நோய்நாடி நோய்முதல் நாடி அதுதணிக்கும்
வாய்நாடி வாய்ப்பச் செயல்.

என்பது வள்ளுவ வேதம்.

நோய் இன்னதென்று ஆராய்ந்து, நோயின் காரணம் ஆராய்ந்து, அதைத் தணிக்கும் வழியையும் ஆராய்ந்து, உடலுக்கு பொருந்தும் படியாகச் செய்யவேண்டும்.

ஆங்கிலத்தில், இன்றைய நவீன மேலாண்மை யுகத்தில் ‘ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS’ என்று ‘CAUSAL ANALYSIS’ என்றெல்லாம் சொல்வார்கள்.

ஐயனை விடவும் ஓர் அதியற்புத உளவியலாளர் காணமுடியுமோ?

காமகோடி பீடத்தின் அதிபராய் வெறுமனே சந்திர மௌலீச்வர பூசை மட்டுமா அவர் செய்தது?

இது போல் இன்னும் எத்தனை எத்தனை அற்புதங்களோ?

அவருக்கு மட்டுமே வெளிச்சம்…

அவர் தான் அந்த வெளிச்சம்…

அது காட்டிக் கொடுத்தால் மட்டுமே உண்டு…

வேதம் வாழ வந்த வித்தகர்…

நன்றி: ஸ்ரீ கணேச சர்மா அவர்கள். ‘தெய்வத்தின் குரல்’ உரையில், நேற்று, பெங்களூருவில்.

All the veda rakshanam Periyava talked all His life is to do just this. Moral of the story is : (1) Take care of vidhyarthis – that punyam will take care of our generations (2)  What we do here in the blog to support veda patasala is nothing but following Periyava’s upadesam


This happened in the Veda patasala in Villuppuram and it happened in the 1960s.

Like today in those days also the children studying in the Veda patasalas were provided only a four cubits dothi hewn out of coarse cloth, a bowl of rice of a low variety in the afternoon and the leftovers in the night. The position is not much different today also.

The little ones swallowed whatever was provided to them and recited the vedic sakas and chandams in a high pitch. Some of the kids were so small of five or six years of age that they were even bed wetters.

If we have to describe in a single word what the little ones were going through, it is sheer ‘sacrifice’ for the sake of the welfare of the whole world.

Some of the elders in the group had committed a mistake. What mistake?

Due to the influence of Kali a cinema theatre (should be a touring talkies as it was called then) came just behind the Veda Patasala. One could reach the theatre by just scaling over the wall of the patasala. some did this.

This came to the notice of the person who was overseeing the Veda patasala. There was also a complaint that some of the students went out with their parents or relatives and partook of the food from outside. (Taking outside food is against the strict disciplinary rules of the veda patasala)

The manager wrote to the Srimatam about the happenings expressing his despair. Sri Charanar asked the manager to bring the children to his camp at Garwad which was implicitly obeyed by the manager.

At the camp Sri Charanar asked the children to be fed with delicacies according to their taste. The children enjoyed this hospitality as if they had come on a holiday to their grandparent’s house. For about a week or so they enjoyed their stay at the camp by eating to their fill whatever they wanted and loitering around the temples and water bodies.

Whenever the grandpa (Sri Charanar) called them, they obediently recited the chandas and saka before His holy self and came back quietly. The manager was perplexed. Not a word was uttered by Periyava about the incidents that had been brought to His notice. The children were enjoying at the camp while they were missing their lessons.

After about a week, the compassion incarnate (periyava) called the manager and the children and blessed them with His prasadam and bade them go back to their place. He never uttered a single word of reprimand to the children.

After sending the children away, the manager was asked to stay back. The next day Periyava called the manager in His presence and asked him
“What is your birth Star?” “Krithigai” came the reply.
“What is the birth star of your wife?” asked the Divine next.
“Revathi” replied the manager.
Periyava then said very compassionately “You do one thing. On your birth star and your wife’s cook some sweet dish and serve to all the children in the patasala. If their appetite is satisfied it would bring in much merit”

The manager promised to do so and further stated that he would do the same on the birth stars of his two sons which was Arudra and Punarvasu.

Periyava was happy. He said ” That is very good. let the children take sweets as your gift”.

Soon this came to be known to the entire city and there were many volunteers who came forward to contribute to the noble cause of feeding the children who were learning the vedas which they felt would sustain the giver for four generations. After all there are only twenty seven stars and so the entire month the children enjoyed good food with Vadai and Payasam.

The Lord called the manager to His presence again. He now said “What you do now .. take a Peyan fruit (one variety of banana) and coat it with Castor oil and give it to the children with your hands before they go to bed every night”. If they eat heavily the delicacies made of bengal gram and ghee, it may not be good for their system. Castor oil will cleanse their digestive system and will also reduce their body heat which increases on account of their loudly reciting the vedas. You also lie down with them at the patasala”.

After some time the manager went for darsan of Periyava. He asked ” does any child now scale over the wall and go out to eat outside or for other purposes?” The manager replied with tears of joy.

Sage Thiruvalluvar says ” Get to know the disease and its origin before embarking upon the means to cure the ailment” In todays modern world this is called ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS and CAUSAL ANALYSIS.

Can there ever be any better knower of hidden things than our Saint of Kanchi? Did he just confine His activities to doing pooja to Lord Chandramouleeswara as the head pontiff of the Kanchi mutt? There, undoubtedly. should be numerous instances like these. Only He knows. Only He can reveal the same for our upliftment. Verily He has come to revive our holy Vedas.

Thanks to Sri Ganesa Sharma in his exposition on the Voice of God at Bengaluru yesterday.

Categories: Devotee Experiences

10 replies

  1. very useful ineormation

  2. அம்மையப்பன். தாயும் தந்தையும் குருவும் அவரே. ஜெய ஜெய சங்கர …


  4. Mahaperiyava Saranam.

    This happened in the Veda patasala in Villuppuram and it happened in the 1960s.

    Like today in those days also the children studying in the Veda patasalas were provided only a four cubits dothi hewn out of coarse cloth, a bowl of rice of a low variety in the afternoon and the leftovers in the night. The position is not much different today also.

    The little ones swallowed whatever was provided to them and recited the vedic sakas and chandams in a high pitch. Some of the kids were so small of five or six years of age that they were even bed wetters.

    If we have to describe in a single word what the little ones were going through, it is sheer ‘sacrifice’ for the sake of the welfare of the whole world.

    Some of the elders in the group had committed a mistake. What mistake?

    Due to the influence of Kali a cinema theatre (should be a touring talkies as it was called then) came just behind the Veda Patasala. One could reach the theatre by just scaling over the wall of the patasala. some did this.

    This came to the notice of the person who was overseeing the Veda patasala. There was also a complaint that some of the students went out with their parents or relatives and partook of the food from outside. (Taking outside food is against the strict disciplinary rules of the veda patasala)

    The manager wrote to the Srimatam about the happenings expressing his despair. Sri Charanar asked the manager to bring the children to his camp at Garwad which was implicitly obeyed by the manager.

    At the camp Sri Charanar asked the children to be fed with delicacies according to their taste. The children enjoyed this hospitality as if they had come on a holiday to their grandparent’s house. For about a week or so they enjoyed their stay at the camp by eating to their fill whatever they wanted and loitering around the temples and water bodies.

    Whenever the grandpa (Sri Charanar) called them, they obediently recited the chandas and saka before His holy self and came back quietly. The manager was perplexed. Not a word was uttered by Periyava about the incidents that had been brought to His notice. The children were enjoying at the camp while they were missing their lessons.

    After about a week, the compassion incarnate (periyava) called the manager and the children and blessed them with His prasadam and bade them go back to their place. He never uttered a single word of reprimand to the children.

    After sending the children away, the manager was asked to stay back. The next day Periyava called the manager in His presence and asked him
    “What is your birth Star?” “Krithigai” came the reply.
    “What is the birth star of your wife?” asked the Divine next.
    “Revathi” replied the manager.
    Periyava then said very compassionately “You do one thing. On your birth star and your wife’s cook some sweet dish and serve to all the children in the patasala. If their appetite is satisfied it would bring in much merit”

    The manager promised to do so and further stated that he would do the same on the birth stars of his two sons which was Arudra and Punarvasu.

    Periyava was happy. He said ” That is very good. let the children take sweets as your gift”.

    Soon this came to be known to the entire city and there were many volunteers who came forward to contribute to the noble cause of feeding the children who were learning the vedas which they felt would sustain the giver for four generations. After all there are only twenty seven stars and so the entire month the children enjoyed good food with Vadai and Payasam.

    The Lord called the manager to His presence again. He now said “What you do now .. take a Peyan fruit (one variety of banana) and coat it with Castor oil and give it to the children with your hands before they go to bed every night”. If they eat heavily the delicacies made of bengal gram and ghee, it may not be good for their system. Castor oil will cleanse their digestive system and will also reduce their body heat which increases on account of their loudly reciting the vedas. You also lie down with them at the patasala”.

    After some time the manager went for darsan of Periyava. He asked ” does any child now scale over the wall and go out to eat outside or for other purposes?” The manager replied with tears of joy.

    Sage Thiruvalluvar says ” Get to know the disease and its origin before embarking upon the means to cure the ailment” In todays modern world this is called ROOT CAUSE ANALYSIS and CAUSAL ANALYSIS.

    Can there ever be any better knower of hidden things than our Saint of Kanchi? Did he just confine His activities to doing pooja to Lord Chandramouleeswara as the head pontiff of the Kanchi mutt? There, undoubtedly. should be numerous instances like these. Only He knows. Only He can reveal the same for our upliftment. Verily He has come to revive our holy Vedas.

    Thanks to Sri Ganesa Sharma in his exposition on the Voice of God at Bengaluru yesterday.

    • Thank you Mr.Kannan for the translation. Appreciate it. What a coincidence? We too attended the pravachan the other day. Small world indeed. Periyava Sharanam

  5. These are scintillating experiences! Many thanks to Sri. Ganesa Sarma for telling us after Sri. Ra.Ganapati Anna! Hara Hara Shankara, Jaya Jaya Shankara!

  6. Appreciate the authors efforts. Humble request. Can anyone translate it into English please?Thanks!

  7. Children psychology is different this was correctly diagonized and remedy given. JAYA JAYA SANKARA HARA HARA SANKARA.

  8. I am much blessed to read this by the Grace of SRI SRI SRI SRI MAHA PERIYAVAL

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