வந்த காரியம் முடிந்ததா?

This is an amazing incident and a blessed devotee to have gone through a personal treatment from Him..

Thanks to Shri Srinivasan for sharing this.



1988 வருடம்.பல ஊர்களுக்கு வங்கி அலுவல்நிமித்தமாக பலஊர்களுக்கு செல்லவேண்டிய நிலை.சென்னை திரும்பியதும் திடிரென்று அலர்ஜி பிராப்ளம் ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டது . சிறு அழுக்கு அல்லது சில காய்கள் பட்டாலோ தின்றாலோ உடம்பு முழுவதும் சிறு சிறு கொப்பளமாக கை கால் முகம் என்று வர ஆரம்பித்து அடிக்கடி விடுமுறை எடுக்கும் நிலை உடம்பு முழுவதும் அரிப்பு.எல்லா வைத்தியமும் பலனளிக்க வில்லை. கடைசியில் பரமாசாரியரிடம் வேண்டிக்கொண்டும் பலன் கிட்டி சரியாகவில்லை.சரி இதோடுதான் இனி வாழ்க்கை என்று முடிவும் செய்து விட்டேன் .

ஒருநாள் என் நண்பர் திரு . சீதாராமன் ஆடிட்டர் கர்னூல் வரையா பெரியவா சாதூர் மாஸ்யம் விரதம் ஆரம்பிக்கபோரா தரிசனம் செய்து விட்டு வரலாம் என்றார். கரும்புதின்ன கூலியா என்று உடனே சரி என்று சொல்லிவிட்டேன். மேலும் அவரிடம் நேரில் முறையிடலாம் என் நிலையைப் பற்றி என்று.

ரயலில் ஏகப்பட்ட சாமன்களோடு கர்னூல்போய் இறங்கி சைக்கிள் ரிக்ஷாவில் காய்கறி,அரிசி, மளிகை சாமான்களோடு பரமாச்சாரியார் இருக்கும் தேடி சென்றோம். ரிக்ஷாகாரர் ரேட்கூட பேசாமல் சந்தோஷமாக அழைத்துச் சென்றது இனிமையான நிகழ்வு.கருணாமூர்த்தி இருந்த இடமோ ஒரு ஜின்னிங் ஆலை. வசதிகள் மிகவும் குறைவு. ஆனால் அந்த ஆலை முதலாளி ஆச்சாரியாரிடம் இருந்த பக்தியின் காரணமாக 4 மதங்களுக்கு ஆலையை மூடிவைத்து இவர் தங்குவதற்கு ஏற்பாடு செய்து இருந்தார். சாமன்களை இறக்கி வைத்து விட்டு நாங்கள் வந்திருக்கும் விஷயத்தை அவரிடம் சொல்ல பாலு மாமாவிடம் சொன்னோம். அவரும் உள்ளே சென்று பரமசாரியரிடம் கணக்கர்கள் வந்த விஷயத்தை சொல்லி விட்டு வெளியே வந்தார்.

எங்கள் இருவரையும் பார்த்து பெரியவா அனுஷ்ட்டானதுக்கு நதிக்கரபோகப்போறளாம் உங்க இரண்டு பேரையும் அங்கே வந்து ஸ்நானம் பண்ணீட்டு தரிசனத்துக்கு வரச்சொன்னா என்றார் .பாலு மாமா நாங்க ரயில்வே ஸ்டேஷன் ரெஸ்ட் ரூமிலேயே குளிசுட்டோம்ன்னு சொன்னோம் . அதெல்லாம் தெரியாது அங்கேதான் வந்து குளிக்கச்சொல்லி உத்தரவு ஆயிருக்குன்னு கண்டிப்ப சொல்லிட்டார்.

ஏதன் மத்யே எனக்கு பஞ்சு ஆலையில் அழுக்கு பட்டு ஒவ்வாமை வந்து உடம்பு
எல்லாம் சிகப்பு கொப்பளங்கள் வர ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டது. கையில் செட்சைன் மாத்திரையும் இல்லை . பக்கத்தில் மருந்தகமும் இல்லை. என்ன செய்வது என்று தெரியவில்லை. சரி பெரியாவளை நம்பி வந்தாச்சு அவர் பாத்துக்கட்டும் என்றுஅவர் பேரில் பாரத்தை போட்டுவிட்டு அவருடன் அவர் பின்னாலேயே ஜெய ஜெய சங்கர என்று சொல்லிக்கொண்டு அவர் பின்னாலேயே சென்றோம்.வழி எல்லாம் எனக்கு வந்த வியாதியை போக்கச்சொல்லி பிரார்த்தனை செய்து கொண்டே சென்றேன்……..

நதிக்கரையை சென்றடைந்தோம். ஆற்றில் அப்படியொன்றும் நீர் பிரவாகமா ஓடவில்லை. வாய்கால் மாதிரி முன்று பிரிவாக ஜாலம் ஓடிக்கொண்டிருந்தது.பெரியவா ஆற்றில் இறங்கி நீராட ஆரம்பித்தார் . நானும் ஆற்றில் உடனே இறங்காமல் பெரியவா அனுஷ்டணம் முடித்த பின்பு ஸ்நானம் செய்யலாம் என்று காத்துக்கொண்டு இருந்தேன். அப்போது பெரியவா என்னைப் பார்த்துவிட்டு பாலு மாமாவிடம் ஏதோ சொன்னார். பாலுமாமா கரை ஏறிவந்து என்னிடம் உன்னையும் பெரியவா ஸ்நானம் செய்யச் சொல்லரா என்றார். எங்கே குளிப்பது நான் குளித்த ஜலம் பெரியவா பக்கம் போகக்கூடாதே என்றேன்.

அவர் உடனே பெரியவா ஸ்நானம் செய்ற இடத்திலிருந்து கீழண்டே பத்து அடி தள்ளிப் போய் ஸ்நானம் பண்ணச் சொன்னா என்றார். நானும் ஆற்றில் இறங்கி அவர் சொன்ன இடத்தில் ஸ்நானம் செய்ய ஆரம்பித்தேன் .குளிக்கும் போதே உடம்பெல்லாம் சிகப்பாக தடிமன் உடம்பு பூராக இருந்தது. ஓடும் தண்ணீர் மேலே பட்டு உடம்பு எரிய ஆரம்பித்து.அப்படியும் விடவில்லை நன்றாக முங்கிக்குளித்தேன். அப்பொழுதான் பொறிதட்டினாற்போல் ஒரு விஷயம் புலப்பட்டது.. நான் குளிக்கும் ஜலம் பெரியவா ஸ்நானம் பண்ணி அவர் மேல் பட்ட ஜலம்தான் என்மேலும் பட்டு ஓடிக்கொண்டு இருந்தது என்பதுதான்.

பெரியவா அதற்குள் ஸ்நானத்தை முடித்து ஜபம் ஆரம்பிக்க கரை ஏறினார் .நானும் கரை ஏறினேன்.உடம்பில் இருந்த சிகப்பு தடிமன் கொஞ்சம் குறைந்து எரிச்சலும் மிகுதியாக இல்லை. கரையில் வந்து கொண்டுபோன உலர்ந்த வஸ்திரங்களை கட்டிக்கொண்டு மாத்யானீகம் பண்ண விபூதியை பூசிக்கொண்டேன் . அப்போது பாலு மாமா கிட்டே வந்து பெரியவா பூசிக்கொண்டு மிச்சம் இருந்த விபூதியை கொடுத்து இதை முகம் , கை, மார்பு தோள் எல்லா வற்றிலும் தடவிக்கச் சொன்னா பெரியவா என்றார். அவர் சொன்னது மாதிரியே செய்தேன் . பிறகு எல்லோரும் பஞ்சாலைக்கு வந்து பூஜையில் கலந்துகொண்டோம்.

பின்பு பெரியவாளிடம் தீர்த்தப் பிரசாதம் வாங்க வந்தேன். அப்பொழுதான் கவனித்தேன் என் உடம்பில் ஒவ்வாமை துளி கூட இல்லாமல் அரிப்பும் இல்லாமல் இருந்தது.பெரியவா எனக்கு தீர்த்தம் கொடுத்துக்கொண்டே கேட்டார்கள் ” வந்த காரியம் முடிந்ததா” என்று.எனக்கு அப்போதுதான் உறைத்தது என் ஒவ்வாமை தீர்த்தது அவர்மேல் பட்டு என்மேல் பட்ட தண்ணீரும் அவர் கொடுத்த விபூதியும்தான் என்று .

இத்தனைக்கும் அவரிடம் என் வியாதியைப் பற்றி சொல்லவே இல்லை.என் இருகண்களிலும் கண்ணீர் அப்படியே சாஷ்டாங்கமாக அவரின் பாதகமலங்களில் விழுந்து நமஸ்காரம் செய்து. பெரியவா கருணையால் எல்லாம் நல்ல படியாக முடிந்தது என்று கூறி விடை பெற்றுக்கொண்டு வந்தோம் .

நண்பர் சீதாராமனிடம் வரும்போது கேட்டேன் பெரியாகிட்டே நான் என் நிலையை பற்றி ஒன்றுமே சொல்லவில்லையே எப்படித் தெரியும் என் வியாதி. அவர் சொன்னார் ” தன்னோட சிஷ்யர்களோட கஷ்டங்கள் அவருக்குத்தான் முதல்லே தெரியும் நமக்கே அப்பறம்தான்.” என்றார் .அவளவுதான் அன்று போன ஒவ்வாமை வியாதி அப்படியே கர்னூல் ஆற்றில் போய் விட்டது.இன்றுவரை அழுக்கிலேயே இருந்தாலும் கத்திரிக்காய், கருணைக்கிழங்கு சாப்பிட்டாலும் வரவே இல்லை, இதை எண்ணிப்பாக்காமல் இருக்க முடியவில்லை.

நமோ நமஸ்தே குருபாதுகாப்யாம்.

Source: Shri Surya Narayan



Year 1988. Due to my nature of work, I had to keep travelling. After returning to Chennai, suddenly an allergy problem started. Even if a little dirt fell on my body or

when certain vegetables came in contact with my skin or when I ate some vegetables, small boils would appear all over my body and would itch a lot. I had to take off

from work very often. No treatment gave any benefit. It did not become even after I prayed to Paramacharya. I gave up, thinking that I had to live with this problem for the rest of my life.

One day, my friend Auditor Seetharaman told me that Periyava is starting his Chaturmasyam Vratam at Kurnool and asked if I would join him in taking His Darshan.

Excited, I said yes. Moreover I thought I could tell him about my problem in person.

We went to Kurnool by train, got down there, purchased a lot of vegetables, rice, and other groceries and went to see Paramacharya. The rickshaw driver refused to take money from us and took us to Him happily – that was a really pleasant experience. The place where Periyava was staying was a ginning factory. No facilities there. But the factory owner, due to his devotion, had closed it down for 4 months and had made arrangements for Periyava’s stay there. After keeping all our luggage down, we requested Balu mama to tell Periyava about our arrival. Balu mama went inside and informed Periyava and came out.

Balu mama said that Periyava is going to the river for His Anushtanams and told us that Periyava has asked us to take bath in the river and come for Darshan. We told Balu mama that we had already bathed in the railway station rest room. Balu mama said he doesn’t know about all that; Periyava has ordered that we should take bath in the river.

In the meantime, due to the dirt in the cotton factory, I began to get red boils all over my body. I did not even have my tablets handy and there was no medical shop nearby. I did not know what to do. Anyway, I decided that I had come here believing in Periyava; let Him take care. I put all the load on Periyava and went behind Balu mama chanting Jaya Jaya Shankara. All along the way, I was praying that my disease should be cured.

We reached the river shore. There wasn’t too much water in the river. Like a canal, there were three streams there. Periyava climbed down and began to take His bath. I did not get into the river immediately because I wanted Periyava to finish His Anushtanams. Then Periyava looked at me and told something to Balu mama. Balu mama climbed up the steps and told me that Periyava is asking me also take my bath. I was concerned that the water should not go downstream and touch Periyava and I asked Balu mama where I should take my bath.

He said Periyava has asked me to go 10 feet downstream and take my bath there. I climbed down and began to take my bath in the place that was indicated to me. As soon as the water came in touch with my body, it began to burn due to my boils. But I ignored it and took my bath by dipping my entire body into the water. It was only then that a thought struck me. I realised that the water in which I was having my bath was the water which had passed over Periyava’s body.

Periyava finished His bath and went ashore to start His Japam. I also went ashore. I noticed that the boils on my body were reduced and the burning sensation also was reduced. I wore the dry clothes I had brought with me and began to apply Vibhuti before beginning my Maadhyanikam. Just then Balu mama came near and gave me some Vibhuti which was remaining after Periyava had applied it on Himself. He said Periyava had asked me to apply that Vibhuti all over my body – face, hands, chest, stomach etc. I did just as I was told. Aterwards we came to the cotton factory and participated in the Puja going on there.

Later I came to Periyava to take Theertham and Prasadam. It was only then that I noticed that there were no boils on my body. Nor was there any itching. As Periyava was giving me Theertham, He asked me, “Is your work done?”. Only then I realised fully that my boils and itching was cured because I took bath in the water that had passed over Him and due to the Vibhuti that He had given me.

Moreover, I had never told Him about my disease. My eyes brimmed with tears and I prostrated myself at His Holy Feet. I told him that only due to His grace, my work is done, took leave and left.

Our our way back I asked my friend Seetharaman how did Periyava know about my condition when I did not tell Him anything about it ? He replied that Periyava would come to know about the problems of His devotees even before we ourselves came to know about it. The allergy problem which went away in the Kurnool river never came back.

Even when my body came in contact with any dirt or when I ate vegetables like brinjals or amorphophallus, it did not come back. I will never forget this incident.

Namo Namaste Guru Paadukabhyam.

Categories: Devotee Experiences


9 replies

  1. எதையுமே எழுத முடியவில்லை. கண்ணீர் கண்களை மறைக்கிறது.

  2. mahaperiava thiru padhangal saranam.

  3. Mahesh, English translation. Please publish.

    Vanda velai mudinthada ?

    Year 1988. Due to my nature of work, I had to keep travelling. After returning to Chennai, suddenly an allergy problem started. Even if a little dirt fell on my body or

    when certain vegetables came in contact with my skin or when I ate some vegetables, small boils would appear all over my body and would itch a lot. I had to take off

    from work very often. No treatment gave any benefit. It did not become even after I prayed to Paramacharya. I gave up, thinking that I had to live with this problem for

    the rest of my life.

    One day, my friend Auditor Seetharaman told me that Periyava is starting his Chaturmasyam Vratam at Kurnool and asked if I would join him in taking His Darshan.

    Excited, I said yes. Moreover I thought I could tell him about my problem in person.

    We went to Kurnool by train, got down there, purchased a lot of vegetables, rice, and other groceries and went to see Paramacharya. The rickshaw driver refused to take

    money from us and took us to Him happily – that was a really pleasant experience. The place where Periyava was staying was a ginning factory. No facilities there. But

    the factory owner, due to his devotion, had closed it down for 4 months and had made arrangements for Periyava’s stay there. After keeping all our luggage down, we

    requested Balu mama to tell Periyava about our arrival. Balu mama went inside and informed Periyava and came out.

    Balu mama said that Periyava is going to the river for His Anushtanams and told us that Periyava has asked us to take bath in the river and come for Darshan. We told

    Balu mama that we had already bathed in the railway station rest room. Balu mama said he doesn’t know about all that; Periyava has ordered that we should take bath in

    the river.

    In the meantime, due to the dirt in the cotton factory, I began to get red boils all over my body. I did not even have my tablets handy and there was no medical shop

    nearby. I did not know what to do. Anyway, I decided that I had come here believing in Periyava; let Him take care. I put all the load on Periyava and went behind Balu

    mama chanting Jaya Jaya Shankara. All along the way, I was praying that my disease should be cured.

    We reached the river shore. There wasn’t too much water in the river. Like a canal, there were three streams there. Periyava climbed down and began to take His bath. I

    did not get into the river immediately because I wanted Periyava to finish His Anushtanams. Then Periyava looked at me and told something to Balu mama. Balu mama

    climbed up the steps and told me that Periyava is asking me also take my bath. I was concerned that the water should not go downstream and touch Periyava and I asked

    Balu mama where I should take my bath.

    He said Periyava has asked me to go 10 feet downstream and take my bath there. I climbed down and began to take my bath in the place that was indicated to me. As soon

    as the water came in touch with my body, it began to burn due to my boils. But I ignored it and took my bath by dipping my entire body into the water. It was only then

    that a thought struck me. I realised that the water in which I was having my bath was the water which had passed over Periyava’s body.

    Periyava finished His bath and went ashore to start His Japam. I also went ashore. I noticed that the boils on my body were reduced and the burning sensation also was

    reduced. I wore the dry clothes I had brought with me and began to apply Vibhuti before beginning my Maadhyanikam. Just then Balu mama came near and gave me some

    Vibhuti which was remaining after Periyava had applied it on Himself. He said Periyava had asked me to apply that Vibhuti all over my body – face, hands, chest, stomach

    etc. I did just as I was told. Aterwards we came to the cotton factory and participated in the Puja going on there.

    Later I came to Periyava to take Theertham and Prasadam. It was only then that I noticed that there were no boils on my body. Nor was there any itching. As Periyava was

    giving me Theertham, He asked me, “Is your work done?”. Only then I realised fully that my boils and itching was cured because I took bath in the water that had passed

    over Him and due to the Vibhuti that He had given me.

    Moreover, I had never told Him about my disease. My eyes brimmed with tears and I prostrated myself at His Holy Feet. I told him that only due to His grace, my work is

    done, took leave and left.

    Our our way back I asked my friend Seetharaman how did Periyava know about my condition when I did not tell Him anything about it ? He replied that Periyava would come

    to know about the problems of His devotees even before we ourselves came to know about it. The allergy problem which went away in the Kurnool river never came back.

    Even when my body came in contact with any dirt or when I ate vegetables like brinjals or amorphophallus, it did not come back. I will never forget this incident.

    Namo Namaste Guru Paadukabhyam.

  4. Like

  5. Jaya Jaya Sankara Hara Hara Sankara!

  6. very touching incident – recently was at some pravachanam where a swamin was speaking on similar incident – he said these kinds of diseases occur in family if the shraddham & tarpanam have been left out of pitru pujai in the house.
    He mentioned that in the series of Vasu, Rudhra, Aadityaas, if the pitru pujai for the first generation is left, the Vasus get offended, but the effect is not felt, if the pitru pujai is again left for second generation, the Rudhraas get offended and create problems like physical & mental health problems, etc., if the pitru pujai is not done for 3rd generation the Aadityas are offended and the consequences are devastating.
    So, in this event by Sri Mahaswamy, it is evident that who else, but the Rudhran ( Read Mahaswamy ) got calmed and through his karunai releaved the devotee of his dosha.

    In this context of Pitru pujai and Shraadhas for the pitrus, there was a thread previously.

    I wish to inform about a place in Nanganallur that is catering to perform the shraadham in a very authentic and vedic way.

    All that the karthaas ( one who performs the Shraadham ) had to do is to perform oru poodhu the previous day and come in madi vastram to the place. Sit and start the homam, offer the bhojanam to brahamana swamys and prostrate. That’s it.

    They have all the homa draviyams, Shraadha Thaligai ( preparation of shraadha food ) and brahmana swamys all pre arranged. The Upadyapaka swamy is also there. They will give you a time to come to the venue – you must come there at the venue just 5 mins before.
    The vedic homam takes around 2 hours for the homam, brahmana bhojanam and food for ourselves.
    They cater to all brahmin sects ( Smartha, Srivaishnava, Madhva) and for all the branches, ( Rig, Yajur, Sama) and sutras ( Bodayana and Apasthamba) – you need to call and book with them a month in advance.

    Since Nanganallur is near by to Chennai airport, this should be easy for overseas people also.
    There are provisions for bathing, changing clothes in the house in separate area near by provided by the organization.

    Thought this info would be of use to those who are seeing to some place to perform their pitru shraadhams in a vedic way as ordained by Sri Mahaperiyava in our punya Bharata bhoomi.

    The address is given below:

    Sri Lakshmi Hayavadana Paadhuka Shraddha center,
    ( near to Sri Dharmalingeshwara temple, Nanganallur )
    Contact person – S. Suresh,
    Landline – 91-044-22424621
    cell – 91 – 9840299449

    Seeking the grace of Sri Mahaswamy,

    Thanks and regards,

    P. Vijay

  7. i dont know if i have said this earlier but a repeat is worth it. of course seetharaman is also my great friend. this was long ago while periava was in secunderabad star press. my eldest son had a dog bite in his leg and the medicine was to be obtained from switzerland! I had requested AR Rajagopalan of Air India etc. but meanwhile went to star press and i told periava about the dog bite. he took some viboothi in his hand and gave it to me and asked me to apply it at the place where there was dog bite. i asked periava that the dog bite is in the leg and whether anyone would apply viboothi in leg!!! periava only said ‘i told you to apply at the place where there is dog bite, and i never asked whether it is in leg or head’. i went applied the viboothi and to the surprise of the doctor it became normal without any injection or anything. periava knows how to treat without medicine!!!!

  8. Bhavaroga Vaidyanathan !!!

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