ஸ்வபாவமும் ஸ்வதர்மமும் – Penmai Series

Non-Tamil readers: I am sure there will be some volunteers to do English Translation. Pl wait.


‘ஸ்வதர்மம்’ என்று ஒன்று சொன்னேன். அது ஒவ்வொரு ஜீவனும், அதே மாதிரி பல ஜீவர்கள் ஒன்று சேர்ந்த மநுஷ்ய ஸமூஹத்திலுள்ள ஒவ்வொரு வர்க்கமும் தனக்கென இயற்கையாக ஏற்பட்டிருக்கும் ஸ்வபாவப்படி ஒழுகி, தான் உள்ள ஸ்டேஜில் தனக்கு ஒரு நிறைவைப் பெற்று அடுத்த ஸ்டேஜீக்கு  ஏற உதவி செய்யும் ஜன்மப் பணிதான். இங்கே புருஷ வர்க்கம், ஸ்த்ரீ வர்க்கம் என்ற இரண்டைப் பற்றிய பேச்சு, அப்படி பொதுவாக ஸ்த்ரீ வர்க்கம் – பெண்குலம் என்பது – தானும் நிறைந்து, உலகத்துக்கும் தன்னாலேயே நிறைவைத் தர எது உபாயமோ, அதையே ஸ்த்ரீயின் ஸ்வதர்மமென்றும் ஸ்த்ரீ தர்மமென்றும் சொல்வது.

ஸ்ருஷ்டி விசித்ரம் நம்மை ப்ரமிக்க வைக்கிற ஒன்று. மநுஷ்ய ஜாதி தன்னுடைய புத்திப் பெருமையால் ஸ்ருஷ்டியின் உச்சியில் தானே இருப்பதாக முழக்கிக் கொண்டிருந்தாலும் இந்த மஹா புத்திசாலிதான் தனக்கே இயற்கையான ஸ்வபாவ-ஸ்வதர்மங்கள் இன்னவென்று ஸரிவரத் தெரியாமல் திண்டாடுகிறான்! அது திண்டாட்டம் என்றும் தெரியாமல் கொண்டாட்டம் போடுகிறான்! இதற்கு ஒரு உருவகமாக – Personification – ஆகத்தான் – அர்ஜீனன் தனக்கான ஸ்வர்மமே தெரியாமல் இருந்ததும், அவனுக்கு பகவானே உபதேசம் பண்ணி அதைத் தெரிவித்ததும். அர்ஜீனனுக்குத் தானே நேரில் உபதேசித்தவரேதான் தர்ம சாஸ்த்ரகாரகர்ளான ரிஷிகளின் மூலம் ஸகல ஜனங்களுக்கும், ஜனங்களில் ஒவ்வொரு வர்க்கத்தினருக்கும் அவரவர்களுக்கான தர்மங்களை உபதேசித் திருக்கிறார். ஸ்வதர்மம் தப்பிப் போவதற்கான ஸ்வேச்சை (சுயச்சை) ஸ்வதந்திரத்தை மநுஷ்ய ஜீவனுக்குக் கொடுத்து மாயை பண்ணுகிறவரே, அவனுக்கு அதிலிருந்து மீட்சி தருகிற தர்மோபதேச, ஞானோபதேசங்களையும் சாஸ்திரங்களின் வாயிலாகத் தெரிவிக்திருக்கிறார், அவற்றிலிருந்துதான் நாம் நம்முடைய ஸ்வதர்மத்தை அறியவேண்டும்.

கண்டதே காட்சி, கொண்டதே கோலம் என்பதாக மேல் மட்டத்தில் மட்டும் தெரியும் இஹ லோக ஜீவனத்தில் ஸெளக்யமாகத் தெரிகிறவற்றுக்காகவே ஸ்வதர்மம் தப்பி வேற வழியில் போவது. அப்படியே போய்க்கொண்டிருந்தால் பல தினுஸிலும் விபரீதம் நேரும்.

ஒவ்வொரு இனத்துக்கும் ஒவ்வொரு ஒழுங்குப்பாட்டு முறையிலான ஸ்வதர்மம் என்று ஸ்ருஷ்டியில் இருக்கிறது. இதில் மேல்மட்டத்தில் பார்த்து, உசத்தி, தாழ்த்தி பேதங்களைச் கல்பித்துக்கொண்டு, ஒருவிதமான ஸ்வதர்மம் படைத்தவர்கள் ஸம உரிமைப் போராட்டம் என்ற பெயரில், வேறுவிதமான ஸ்வதர்மத்துக்குப் பாயப் பார்த்தால், ஆரம்பத்தில் ஸரியாகப் போகிற மாதிரியே இருந்தாலும் போகப் போகத் தனி ஜீவர்களின் வாழ்க்கை, குடும்ப வாழ்க்கை, மொத்தமான பெரிய ஜன ஸமுதாய வாழ்க்கை எல்லாம் கெட்டுப் போகும். இஹம், பரம் இரண்டுக்குமான நிலைத்த ஸெளக்யம் கிடைக்காமல், ஏதோ ஒரு இடைக்காலத்தில்  ஏதோ சில லாபங்கள் கிடைத்த மாதிரித் தோன்றுவதோடு முடிந்து போகும். சின்னதான தாற்காலிக நிறைவுக்காக நிஜமான நித்யமான நிறைவைக் கோட்டை விட்டதாக முடிந்து போகும்.

ஸ்த்ரீ ஜாதி அதன் ஸ்வபாவத்துக்கேற்ற ஸ்வதர்மத்தில் போகாமல் புருஷ ஜாதியின் வழியில் போவது இப்போதே விபரீத பலன்களை உண்டாக்க ஆரம்பித்துவிட்டது. தங்கள் இயற்கைக்கு மாறுபட்ட தர்மம் ஒத்துக் கொள்ளாமல் ஸ்த்ரீகள் சரீர உபாதை, மனஸிலே stress, tension, அதனாலேயே மேலும் சரீர பாதிப்பு என்று கஷ்டப்படுகிறார்கள். குடும்ப வாழ்க்கையிலும் இது வந்து மோதித்தாக்குகிறது. வெளியிலே அப்படிக் காட்டிக் கொள்ளாவிட்டாலும் உள்ளுக்குள்ளே பழைய நாளில் க்ருஹலக்ஷ்மியை மத்யமாக வைத்து ஒரு வீட்டில் புருஷன்-பெண்டாட்டி-குழந்தைகள் பரஸ்பர அன்பினால் ஒரு அமைதியான கட்டுக்கோப்பில் இணைந்திருந்த நிலைமை இப்போது நலிவு கண்டு, அன்புக்குப் பதில் பணம்-பதவியால் ஒர் Show வுக்கு மாத்திரம் குடும்பம் என்று இருக்கிற மாதிரி ஆகிக்கொண்டு வருகிறது; குடும்ப வாழ்வில் அமைதியும் போய்விட்டது. இப்படிப் பல குடும்பங்களில் ஆகிறபோது, ஜன ஸமுதாயமும் சீர்கெட்டுப் போகத்தானே செய்யும்?

“Svabahava and Svadharma – Series on Womanhood

I mentioned to you about svadharma. Individually and collectively each jeeva, each unit that comprises human society forms categories that are informed by their own naturally created svabhava. We are talking here about two such categories, namely, man and woman where each of these categories, finding its own fulfilment in its prevailing stage, helps in the climb to the next stage as part of the human endeavour. In general, the stree varga or womankind after realizing its own potential then develops strategies to make the rest of the world realize ITS potential. This is what we call stree svadharma or stree dharma.

The mystery of creation is one that holds us in thrall. Although mankind, by virtue of its intellect, celebrates its position at the pinnacle of creation this same mankind despite its intelligence is ignorant of what are its naturally endowed svabhavik svadharmas and is in a constant dilemma. Not realizing this dilemma man even wallows in it ! As a personified metaphor of this problem we have the case of Arjuna who being ignorant of his own svadharma was advised by the Lord himself and was made aware of it. The same Lord who advised Arjuna in person has transmitted his teachings through the bearers of the dharmashastras, our rishis of yore. These teachings instruct the general public as well as various collective units of mankind about the nature of their respective dharmas. The same Lord who gave mankind the free will to go around man’s own svadharma, if he so chose, and entangle himself in maya has provided through our shastras the means to liberate himself through the instructions carried in the dharmopadesha-s and gyanopadesha-s. It is through these that we must learn our svadharma.

The preoccupation with the surface impressions provided by the world of today and the dodging of one’s own svadharma on that account is sure to lead all manner of disasters.

In srishti, each species has a svadharma that is in rhythm with its nature. To look upon this in a superficial manner and imagine a higher and lower order of things and then jumping to a sort of an alternative svadharma based on a supposed stuggle for “equal rights” may appear, at first sight, to be the appropriate way to go. But progressively the conduct of individual life, the conduct of family life and, in fact, the conduct of societal life at large will deteriorate rapidly. Without securing the comfort of either the secular life or the spiritual life the matter would have a sorry ending with the illusion of some intermediate benefits. True and perennial fulfilment will have been sacrificed to the cause of small and short-term gains.

Women trying to pursue the footsteps of men instead of pursuing their womanly svadharma based on their own female dharmic foundation is already leading to a plethora of negative results. When women go against their natural dharmic makeup they are subjected to physical imbalance, mental stress and tension which, in turn, cause physical suffering. Family life is also being assailed because of this. Although not evident from the outside the traditional family framework of a grihalakshmi providing the centre of gravity with a husband, wife and children settled in an atmosphere of reposeful content and mutual love is now dwindling into a situation where affection is being replaced with wealth and status as the driving symbols and the family appears to exist more as a show. Family life is also becoming increasingly disruptive. When this starts happening in many families, will not deterioration set in at the level of a society as a whole ?”

Categories: Upanyasam


12 replies

  1. What He said is applicable for the years to come till kaliyugam comes to an end.
    Jaya Shankara Hara Hara Shankara.

  2. My modest contribution as a translation:

    “Svabahava and Svadharma – Series on Womanhood

    I mentioned to you about svadharma. Individually and collectively each jeeva, each unit that comprises human society forms categories that are informed by their own naturally created svabhava. We are talking here about two such categories, namely, man and woman where each of these categories, finding its own fulfilment in its prevailing stage, helps in the climb to the next stage as part of the human endeavour. In general, the stree varga or womankind after realizing its own potential then develops strategies to make the rest of the world realize ITS potential. This is what we call stree svadharma or stree dharma.

    The mystery of creation is one that holds us in thrall. Although mankind, by virtue of its intellect, celebrates its position at the pinnacle of creation this same mankind despite its intelligence is ignorant of what are its naturally endowed svabhavik svadharmas and is in a constant dilemma. Not realizing this dilemma man even wallows in it ! As a personified metaphor of this problem we have the case of Arjuna who being ignorant of his own svadharma was advised by the Lord himself and was made aware of it. The same Lord who advised Arjuna in person has transmitted his teachings through the bearers of the dharmashastras, our rishis of yore. These teachings instruct the general public as well as various collective units of mankind about the nature of their respective dharmas. The same Lord who gave mankind the free will to go around man’s own svadharma, if he so chose, and entangle himself in maya has provided through our shastras the means to liberate himself through the instructions carried in the dharmopadesha-s and gyanopadesha-s. It is through these that we must learn our svadharma.

    The preoccupation with the surface impressions provided by the world of today and the dodging of one’s own svadharma on that account is sure to lead all manner of disasters.

    In srishti, each species has a svadharma that is in rhythm with its nature. To look upon this in a superficial manner and imagine a higher and lower order of things and then jumping to a sort of an alternative svadharma based on a supposed stuggle for “equal rights” may appear, at first sight, to be the appropriate way to go. But progressively the conduct of individual life, the conduct of family life and, in fact, the conduct of societal life at large will deteriorate rapidly. Without securing the comfort of either the secular life or the spiritual life the matter would have a sorry ending with the illusion of some intermediate benefits. True and perennial fulfilment will have been sacrificed to the cause of small and short-term gains.

    Women trying to pursue the footsteps of men instead of pursuing their womanly svadharma based on their own female dharmic foundation is already leading to a plethora of negative results. When women go against their natural dharmic makeup they are subjected to physical imbalance, mental stress and tension which, in turn, cause physical suffering. Family life is also being assailed because of this. Although not evident from the outside the traditional family framework of a grihalakshmi providing the centre of gravity with a husband, wife and children settled in an atmosphere of reposeful content and mutual love is now dwindling into a situation where affection is being replaced with wealth and status as the driving symbols and the family appears to exist more as a show. Family life is also becoming increasingly disruptive. When this starts happening in many families, will not deterioration set in at the level of a society as a whole ?”

  3. Avvaalvum Parama Sathyamana Rathinangal. Vidatheengo pidichikongo.


  5. Amazing truths explained by Maha Periyava which are relevant anytime, anywhere !! Hara Hara Sankara, Jaya Jaya Sankara

  6. These words of Mahaswamigal spoken may be 60 -80 years before stresses the ills that our society is headed for. The current state of India has gone to dismal depths and there is absolute lack of stree dharmam.Only Periavaa can talk with such authority & clarity and choice of words. It will do immense good if we mortals follow his words as best and as close to HIS words. JAYA JAYA SHANKARA HARA HARA SHANKARA

  7. periava has told this long long ago when stree dharmam was still there and was wading away or men were weaning them out of it and neither men nor women took note of this to follow His advices. Today i shudder to think what would be reaction of Periava if He is there in his sthoola sareeram and talking to us!!!!!!!God save us and if at least those who read this follow, one jeevan like me would leave this mortal remains a little less unhappy!!!!!!!!n.ramaswami

  8. True – Mahaswami time and again stressed that:
    1) Men and women are physically different – their internal organs are different – there is uterus or ‘Garbha pai’ for ladies and hence the intestines are arranged differently in women.
    2) Men have evolved for physical stress and Women evolved for emotional intelligence.
    3) Mahaswami had told that both men and women have their upanayanam – for men its their guru and for women the upanayanam is on their marriage day, their yagyopaveetham is their mangala sutram ( Thirumangalyam ) and their guru is their husband ( who is well qualified ).
    4) Vedic tones have different places of vibration and some at the stomach level and this will be different for men and women.
    5) There was a write up in ‘Mangayar Malar’ about the grave dangers of having the hair left un-braided.
    It seems the heat of body will be increased by unbraided hair and this is the major cause of hairloss, maigrain and even impotency in women – at least this should sound alarm bells in womenfolk who are leaving hair unbraided.
    6) These days the browning hair with no oil and left unbraided is considered ‘Fashion’ – where as some 10 years back, the same thing was considered as being the sign of poor, malnourished and socially backward groups like gypsies.
    Don’t know when the mothers themselves will change and only then will this change can be effected in their children.
    Only Mahaswami’s karunai alone can save from all these kali doshas. Only he can effect the change by influencing the minds of womenfolk.

    Seeking Mahaperiyavaa’s grace.

    Thanks and regards,

  9. Today’s Children do not have the luxury of a home maker mother, as most ladies prefer to work. Some Children are taken care partially by their grandparents, many others are care of creche or alone at home. These are today’s youngsters growing into tomorrow’s citizens. Money rules and love is taking a back seat. There cannot be a better a visionary than Maha periyava

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